It’s only March and the person you’re about to see speaking is not in shape for any kind of a long haul race, which is what a presidential campaign is. It’s a marathon. This guy couldn’t even do a short sprint, like from the south side of the street to the north, in the condition he’s in. He is wrecked and already lashing out that he’s not going to pay the teleprompter company. And this is onstage less than ten minutes. And then it only gets more belligerent and nasty. Here we go, scenes from Trump’s Ohio rally, where the first thing he does is botch the name of the MAGA Senate candidate, Bernie Moreno, whom he calls Morino. (And whom Twitter calls Morono.)

What I think is going on here is that Trump is confusing the Raffensperger recording. That’s my best guess. Or, he just flat out remembers nothing about the “perfect” Ukraine call and is just making it all up on the fly.

Trump is on a real roll today. Reaction to this is over the top already and he should be up there another half hour. We will post the most recent insanity, rest assured. Here are some reactions.

During his customary retelling of “The Snake” but redirected toward illegal immigrants, the ex-president fumbled with the word “bite.”

“You’ve bit me but why?!” Trump shouted. “You know your boyght is poisonous.”

@SitaRose27 wrote in response, “You know what they say about snakes, watch out for that boight!”

@Lucybelle47 wrote, “Boyt? Huh?”

Trump also attempted to give a shout-out to MAGA-backed Bernie Moreno, who at one point supported LGBTQ rights before turning against them, but fumbled his name, instead pronouncing it “Marino.”

A popular account called “Spiro’s Ghost” replied:

“Dementia J. Trump can’t even pronounce his sycophant’s name. SAD!”

At one point, Trump’s frustration grew so much that he lashed out at the teleprompter company.

“Don’t pay the teleprompter company,” he said after bragging he didn’t need the device.

In another bewildering move, Trump actually says that “Joe Biden won against Barack Obama.”

Spiro’s Ghost said, “Ok. This is CONSPICUOUS DEMENTIA. Under any theory of thought this makes no sense at all. Wtf? WAKE UP MSM.”

Former MSNBC host Keith Olbermann responded, saying that “not only is Trump hallucinating and on the verge of complete cognitive collapse but if you can bear to listen to it, the second time, he says, ‘Obaba.'”

Trump also appeared to pronounce the “Rolling Stones” wrong, saying “Rolling Storns.”

The man is gone. He’s a liar, a fool, a failure and now he spends his life bouncing from the golf course into court and from the golf course into rallies. He has nothing to bring to the office of POTUS.

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  1. Put him on a locked dementia ward. It’s the only humane thing to do…not that he deserves kindness. If justice were served, he’d be given a blindfold and a cigarette and lined up against a wall.

    • Unfortunately, that “locked dementia ward” idea is a farce. EITHER the police would have to do it after he’s done something that deliberately endangers himself or others OR a member of his “loving family” would have to do it but that’s not likely to happen since whatever terms happen to be in his will at the time of the lock up become permanent since he obviously would not be “of sound mind and body” to compose or sign a new will so that ruins the chances of anyone convincing Trump to favor them over the others (I actually have this thought that Trump has a number of wills filed with different beneficiaries receiving the bulk of the “estate”; he had them drawn up at the same time, through different attorneys, and, after reading the terms, he shuffled them and signed them all in the same session without looking at which one was being signed at the time and then shuffled them again so there’d be almost no way to determine which will was actually first so his “loving family” would spend decades in probate court, fighting over who gets control over what “estate” remains).

  2. Dear magats,

    Your fool of a cult leader is not just a fool but is insane or suffering from Alzheimer’s or Dementia. You are not going to take our nation back to the dark ages of the early to mid 20th century (let alone any further). You WILL end up with yet more of you all in prison if you continue to listen to this idiot after being photographed/videoed doing stupid and violent shit. You’re big on jeebus so have a come to jeebus moment with the saner members of your families (families of the fools-help them out, they need it) and get your sh*t together.

    Your turd emperor fooled you, stole your money, and made you look extraordinarily stupid. Don’t add to it. If past history is any indicator, Americans will forget this episode as quickly as they’ve forgotten other teaching moments so your embarrassment for falling for the stupid person’s con will be short-lived….more’s the pity.



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