I never thought I would be quoting the philosophies of Jeb Bush, but this is a day and age where I have found the likes of John Boehner and Anthony Scaramucci providing a moral compass, so literally anything is possible. Jeb Bush said about Trump, back in the 2016 GOP primary days, “Donald is going to find out some day that you just can’t go around insulting people.” Sound remark on Trump’s propensity for viciously attacking his political adversaries, but sadly, I don’t think Trump will ever learn. And right now, my sense of things is that Trump is going to get even uglier, because he’s getting cornered, and you know how rats are then.

Israel is banning Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar from visiting not only Israel but all of the Occupied Territories. This move comes as a result of urging from Donald Trump. The White House lied about that fact at 9:00 a.m. Thursday and then Trump went on Twitter and showed that the White House lied.

Stephanie Grisham is a paid liar, just like Huckabee Sanders was. She said reports that Trump told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to stop the congresswomen from visiting were “inaccurate” and she said, “The Israeli government can do what it wants.” No doubt. But it’s also doing what Trump wants, and he proved that an hour later in his tweet. The reaction to both Netanyahu and Trump’s machinations has been predictable.

Israel is an apartheid state, noted for it’s war crimes, so of course, Trump backs it. That’s just his kind of a regime. And the word “disgrace” he pins onto the two Muslim congresswomen.

Even Kevin McCarthy defended the congresswomen’s right to visit, last week during a visit to Israel, according to the Wall Street Journal. “I think it would be helpful for anyone that has an opinion to come,” he said.


It has never made sense to me that there are holocaust survivors in Israel who back an essentially genocidal position. That said, it’s an absolute verite that if those of differing views cannot visit the region and voice their opinions, nothing is going to get better. And of course, that’s just fine with Donald Trump. In fact, he’s encouraging it, out of some perverse desire to attack members of The Squad, because he believes that empowers him to win in 2020 — or something.

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    • What gets me about this, is that Trump is so stupid that he doesn’t realize that circumstances have changed since his North Carolina rally. He’s not making points, post El Paso and Dayton, by his racist persecution of The Squad. He’s just digging his own grave, but he doesn’t see it.

          • The Epstein matter is far from over. I want to see the toxicology screen and the video from the closed-circuit cameras.

          • Ghislaine Maxwell may be able to speak to that issue. And others that we don’t even know about. Epstein didn’t do business in a vacuum, he had help.

          • Every one in the country has seen DJT’s arm around Epstein’s shoulders, except when shown on ABC they only show the tips of the Donald’s fingers for some reason … also the dancing idiot grabbing a gal and pinching her butt in a video, exactly the thing he said he did on that big bus ….

          • I’m going one further than that … this plus all of the above, I want a laser scanned view of the empty actual cell Epstein was in, all dimensions accurate to the i/2″, including all pipes or over head anchoring possible for a possible suicide …..
            Then an overlay of an animated version of where he was found, how he got to the anchor, tied the sheet and estimated TOD it happened … the statement from a former temp occupant mentioned the height of the ceiling lack of anchors … putting all this together and the claims he DID indeed commit suicide … if it is proven he actually did, then by all means …. Barr is guilty of first degree murder by being the absolute top man responsible for Epstein’s safety and suicide avoidance … he has crashed like a watermelon from 6 stories up, he is totally kissed up to Trump in every way … I’ve got a fun way to hear a LOT of, “expainan”,

            Put Trump and Barr in the same cell, just outside the cell window on a small shelf, put a fresh BK WHOPPER open on it’s wrapper, with all the trimmings loaded just like TRump dreams of, have a little flood light focused on the burger, so every delightful detail can be seen, be sure to blow a little stream of air into the cell bearing the smell of the back kitchen at BK where the wrap up crew hands those juicy burgers out ….

            Now for the catch, the first one that tells all about Trump and his playing with those under age kids back in the day with Epstein, giving some dates and explaining how some of these girls were treated, and even admitting to hurting these kids,(now women), and we all should believe every one of them ….

            The rest of the story, if it takes a long time for a result, the food will be refreshed until the final result, AND at that time, a large fry and ice cold drink of choice will be provided …. the loser has to go all night without any supper at all, while the winner will be provided a recliner and table for his meal and a tv with fox news tuned in … all easily seen from the same window, the TV skewed so the program cannot be seen from that window …

            The resultant reactions and whimpering would be WONDERFUL, what a bind on Trump, as Barr has WAY too much contact with the whole bad ass mess of BOTH Trump and Epstein …. the recording would be immediately provided to the investigators of our House wanting to make sure they don’t charge Trump if he is completely innocent as he has said …

            I figure Barr would have to restrain Trump because he would have to admit his guilt to wrap his godawful lips around that delicious sandwich … but after a few lunges at the widow and scratches on the wall, he would be almost out of his mind and would tell all against the advice of the AG, his personal lawyer …. 🙂

        • I think he’s doubling down on The Squad because that was working a few weeks ago. Post El Paso and Dayton, it’s not going to work the same way, but he’s too stupid to know that.

          • He plays it hour to hour, Urs. He literally plays US foreign policy near hour to hour, on his ego and temperament, that’s how it works. At 8:37 a.m. he tweeted out that he didn’t want Israel to admit them, and an hour later the news hit the wire about Israel’s decision. This is how western liberalism (generally) dies. It dies through autocratic power plays, left unaddressed.

          • This is why he needs to be a one term *resident. (Or current occupant — Jesus I can’t call that creature by the “p” word.) We need to do damage control. Hopefully, he’ll hang himself by tanking the economy. God knows I’ve never wished for a recession before, but we living in very strange times.

          • Well, if the “p” stands for pussygrabber then there’s a p-word appropriate for him. Hell, it even kind of works if you drop the p – “russygrabber” is close to ruskie grabber & you just know every time he sees his buddy Vlad he grabs him and gives him a wet, sloppy kiss!

  1. I hit the delete button on the other site to something I dashed off in anger. I feared pointing out the apartheid nature of Isreal’s actions & the tolerance of so many people there (and here and elsewhere) of being ok with genocidal actions would get me banned. I’ll freely admit the jarhead in me has harbored a deep and long resentment towards Israel due to their attitude towards our contingent in Beirut. What they did to the Liberty sticks in my craw as well.

    • Believe me, I don’t know what will get you banned “over there.” You can say Daily Kos out loud. It won’t upset me. Hey, anybody new reading this, I was banned at Daily Kos in March. They hate me over there. Okay? Honestly, who gives a fuck?

      • I’m pretty sure stating flat-out Israel has become an apartheid state every bit as awful as South Africa would cause an uproar. Going on to question just what the fuck we get in return for all the problems our virtual unquestioned backing of Israel would similarly create considerable outrage.

        Do I believe the idea of a homeland where Jewish people can live without fear of a repeat of the Holocaust is a good idea? Sure. But while the U.S. was the first country to officially recognize Israel our support has come at considerable and sometimes terrible cost. Ok, so we have sometimes criticized their actions but when it comes to allowing the full weight of the U.N. to condemn them when they ignore international agreements (i.e. continued building of settlements in OCCUPIED territory) or looking the other way as they create problems for our troops and even as in the case of the Liberty kill them (and if their “vaunted” military could project power even a hundred miles beyond their own fucking border we’d have never been in Beirut bailing them out of their mess) or via their actions get them killed by others, when their actions create hatred of the U.S. enough to inspire terrorist attack after terrorist attack because we won’t meaningfully call them out and then follow up with action we don’t do shit.

        We are the overly indulgent parent that lets the kid get away with whatever the fuck they do and protects them no matter what. And they KNOW it & take full advantage, even going so far as to threaten U.S. politicians who dare to ask whether Israel should get the virtually unquestioned support of the U.S. with electoral defeat. I for one don’t think AIPAC is a friend of the United States, and in fact exists to ensure U.S. Policy favors Israel at the expense of U.S. policy and standing in the world.

        I know there are many in Israel who want a meaningful peace deal, and support real efforts to try and reach one. Just not enough to get the Likkud out of power. I have little hope about next month’s elections there. Israel currently treats us as though THEY are the superpower and we are some small State that needs their help. They take our money/support and punch us in the face & kick us in the crotch over and over again. WE have been there for them since the beginning. WE didn’t plan and execute the Holocaust although we do deserve some measure of shame for not opening our arms to those fleeing what was taking place in Germany prior to WWII. However if not for us holding the line to a significant degree after kicking the Nazi’s asses and punishing those who carried out the Holocaust freaking RUSSIA which has had a long history of progroms/persecution against Jewish people would have been making for a very different world – one in which there would be no state of Israel.

        Their government doesn’t respect us nor many of their people. They treat us like service dogs, as in attack dogs to defend them. And they beat us more often than they reward us. So I think a major adjustment needs to be made in our relationship with Israel. If we are going to support them as a Democracy in a region where the very concept is almost laughable then we damn well should make sure they earn that support by acting like a Democracy.

        Now, do you think I could write all that on Kos and not find a skull & crossbones over my name within an hour of it going up? I don’t.

        • I find today’s censorship on all sides, vice and virtue police, terrifying, sad, unconstitutional, unamerican, disgusting and counterproductive. D K is as guilty as any! Narrow minded and thin skinned. Useless. And wrong a lot.

          I also object to senators with dual citizenship. Deep conflict!! And I’ve always seen the alleged friendship as one way.

        • So many today don’t remember or know so little history of Russia pre WWII with the Jewish progroms, let alone know how post WWII it was the US that stood up to Russia to carve out Israel as it exists today. Furthermore, few know exactly what the African nations did with the US during WWII when there was no Israel. It’s as if that has been totally buried under all the bullshit we keep getting from MSM, etc. Without understanding history, you cannot fully fathom the entire situation.
          And I agree, I don’t think that you could write that on DKos and not be bojo’d for it.

        • There are some over there who can’t stand anyone who doesn’t think Israel is a great country, regardless of whoever is running it. (And a lot of lurkers coming out of the woodwork to tell the rest of us how we’re wrong about the way the world should be run.)

      • I deleted Kos from my favorites when you were BOJO’d.
        I like a few of the writers (Jen Hayden and Hunter to name two), but never found any of Marcos’ crap to do anything more than raise my blood pressure. If I want corporate spin, I can get that from MSM or Bill Maher.

    • There is no way that this move furthers the cause of international relations or peace in the middle east. This is sheer idiocy on Trump’s part and Netanyahu’s as well.

  2. I love how his staff tries to cover for the idiot, only to have him open his stupid yap and make them look like fools. Serves them right, when you wallow with pigs, you will get muddy. Sorry, that is insulting to pigs, which are highly intelligent animals. Wish I could say the same for the Mango Moron.

    • I couldn’t do the job of press secretary for Trump and I certainly couldn’t do Kellyanne Conway’s job. That is an acting and improvisational theater performance. I hope that she gets paid enough to sell her soul. When this is all over, she’s going to look bad, but maybe if you’ve got enough money it doesn’t matter. Who needs respect when you can sit on the beach and count your money? I guess?

      • I’ve heard it posited on TYT (check it out, if you haven’t already), that KellyAnn (aka Bevis’ big sister) is using her husband’s tweets as her “get out of jail free” card. When Tangerine Nixon finally implodes, she can say, “We never bought into his Bulls**t. Just look at George’s tweets”.

    • I think if you have an issue with Subir, or anybody at DK, kosmail him and tell him. I don’t want to get a reputation on PolitiZoom for dissing people on DK. Admittedly, we all know the same players, so there will be some opinions shared that mention people over there. But I want autonomy for this site, and not to appear petty, above all else.

        • No, not at all. You’re entitled to an opinion. All that I wanted to share is that PolitiZoom is not the anti-Kos or anything like that. We all know the names and the personalities on both sites, so there will be some interaction. I just don’t want to come across as vengeful or sour grape-ish.

          • When they started banning people over there for simply liking a post that they evidently didn’t I knew it was time for me to leave. I don’t do thought police well.

            ….the righties all crying that sites are censoring them is such BS…..it’s really not a difficult concept…..the site belongs to someone else who pays the bills and makes the rules, and if you break their rules, they have the right to ban you or censor you as they see fit…..and if you don’t like that, as I did with that other site, don’t go there anymore.

          • There has been a definite change over there. It’s not the same site I fell in love with in 2016. There seems to be an effort to project a certain mentality and only that — and truthfully, I’m not clear on what the mentality is. But it clearly does not include me.

          • I think the mentality there is think like us or else…..that philosophy, while it is easily implemented on Republicans who are told what to think and will goose step to the provided tune, not on Dems whom if you ask 50 the color of grass you’ll get 44 different answers with the other 6 in a knock down, drag out in a corner over the issue.

            …….regardless of what lame excuses you were given, if any, you were banned because you are a much better writer than their “staff” writers could ever hope to be.

  3. A terrific read, Ursula. Many years ago I was about as pro-Israel as anyone can be. I’d spend a couple of months there with family friends in the mid-’60s. It was an inspiring place to visit. Back then, so many people I casually met while shopping or eating out, would reach out to me & they had numbers tattooed on their arm. I was living in Turkey during the Six-Day-War, again inspired by the Israeli army.

    But, when they began to treat Palestinians as they had once been treated & kept occupied territory instead of pulling back as they once did, I began to question my loyalty. You are absolutely right, calling Israel an apartheid state. We need to use that term publicly and frequently.

    I object to the chants now that insist that as Americans, we must support the government of Israel. And if we don’t, then we are anti-Semites. Netanyahu is a corrupt bastard but much smarter than Trump. But even Bibi is going to fall and then there will be such a backlash against his regime. It is my fervent prayer that when this Trumpian nightmare ends, the pendulum will swing hard enough to wipe away the GOP & white supremacists. I also pray that I live long enough to see it happen.

    • I tend to paint foreign affairs with a broad brush strokes. Admittedly, I know the fine points of American politics far far better than global. But I think it is fair to call the situation in Israel an apartheid state, like what used to be in South Africa. It’s not meant as an indictment, merely an observation. And denying the two congresswomen the right to visit is absolute folly. Trump and Netanyahu can’t be more wrong on this one. I think that the calmer minds in the White House realize that, or Grisham wouldn’t have lied for Trump this morning.

      • Trump doesn’t know how to play the long game but surely this must set off the alarm bells for some in the GOP. Now that this precedent has been set, it will be used against them when they no longer control the government. Trump doesn’t understand diplomacy or politics. The GOP has been enjoying a sugar high with Trump in the White House but the inevitable crash will come. They will have no one to blame but themselves.

        • Trump knows nothing of the long game. And he’s in a pissing contest with the Chinese, who live by the concept of the long game. They are masters of the long game. That’s how they’ve gotten this far.

          Trump is clueless about domestic policy, but when it comes to foreign, he is laughably inadequate.


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