Anybody who went into cryogenic freeze, say in the 60’s, and woke up now would simply not believe the world we live in. They absolutely would not believe that a sitting United States congressman would be so horrifically crass.

Matt Gaetz has never been Mr. Charm School. But he has also never been quite this offensive. Maybe he figures that: 1) the only women in his district are young, thin and hot and so they’ll vote for him no matter what he says OR 2) they’re totally brainwashed about the “type” of woman who would get an abortion.

In any event, Gaetz has hit a new low, even for him.

This is where his remarks originated, if you missed this over the weekend.

Interesting to know, again, only hot, thin, young women are getting pregnant.

Maybe this is the answer.

I think that’s it. Gaetz is not of this world. Let’s send him back to Metaluna where they’ll nuke his ass, or better yet, we can zap him with an Interociter. (Some of you technogeeks must know how to assemble one.)

Gaetz thinks he’s super hip with his misogynist rant.

Wow. Abortion has somehow morphed into fat shaming and misogyny. I wouldn’t believe it if I wasn’t seeing it.

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  1. If my dog had Matty Gaetz’s face I’d shave his ass and teach him to walk backwards. Seriously???….throwing shade with a mug like that???


  2. Someone explain to me again how this supercilious little prick isn’t in jail yet cuz when he is he is going to be on the other side of that equation.

  3. Matt Gratz: Poster Boy for why women Should have abortions. It keeps stupid people from populating, like the majority of the GOP.

  4. If he thought he had a chance of staying out of prison, he wouldn’t be running his mouth. As it stands, these are last, impotent swings on the way down. Treat them as such.

  5. Oh Pedo Gaetz. You’re so pitiful. I get it, you’re an idiot and proof that sometimes you can’t fix stupid. See, that’s the thing Pedo: there are worse things than sleeping with overweight people (women AND men) and it’s sleeping with people so stupid they are classified, in the old verbiage, retarded. You know, like you.

    You truly do make the case not only for legal abortions, but for FREE abortions.

  6. ” I dream of the day my children will be judged for the content of their character, & not by the color of their skin.” Dr. King
    Of course Mattie, if you have no character, you will be judged by the classless dribble that rolls out of your mouth.
    Or as Bogart said in the Maltese Falcon, “everybody’s got something to conceal…the cheaper the crook, the gaudier the patter.”

  7. I suspect the only females Matty can get are underage prostitutes. Oh. Wait. Isn’t the,what he is under investigation for? Except she wasn’t a hooker, just a dumb teenager.
    I lived in his district for several.years (Navy husband). There seem to be a lot of bleached blonde bombs there. I think they we’re drinking tge bleach as,well as applying it to.their heads. With 2grad degrees,I went back to a community college to get an A.S. in paralegal training. There was,one little #$@%&&# who spread rumors that I got straight As by having sec with professors. Apparently studying for the grades never occurred to het. But Gaetx,would have loved her: skinny, stupid and blonde.

  8. This snot nose trump sucking less than a human is not even worth reporting anything about! maybe if he dropped dead that MIGHT BE news worthy but even that is not worth much!


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