Utah is a doozy of a state. I had a dear friend once (she’s since gone on to a better world) who was a Mormon, raised in Utah, and she was married off at 13. By the time she was 18 she had five kids, do you love it?

My friend did something truly revolutionary by Utah standards, she divorced her husband and took her children to California for a better life.

When you hear what this a-hole has to say, John Curtis of Utah’s third congressional district, you will want to run screaming, too.

Hey, we wish the same thing, John. We wish women would vote your ass out of congress and into oblivion.

Definitely, we need this a-hole in the lower chamber of congress and Herschel Walker in the upper. Uh, uh. These are the “men” we need in power, making decisions for how women live and what we can do with our bodies. I may just start chewing iron and spitting out nails, I am so furious.

Do they still drive covered wagons in Utah? You would think that they might.

If we are to believe the polls, we will get this a-hole back in Washington, and his fellow a-hole and Trump lover, Mike Lee. Dear God.

Here is a link to the website for Glenn Wright, the Democratic challenger. Send money, do whatever you can. Utah is in the freaking stone age. It’s no wonder to me that dinosaur bones were found in that state. There are still dinosaurs there, just in human form.

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  1. Utah, oh yea, the state where all the UFO/Skin Walker Ranch activity has been centered … I wonder if those visitors from outer space could use their super-advanced technology to blow some common sense into this horrible knot of stupidity, displayed at every TV camera and/or microphone they can get close to …

    A bunch of freaks like these, may just set the last 50 years of advancing Women’s rights in the dumpsters … not to mention ALL their efforts before color film was available and news papers were the main artery of current events … after all, the women should serve their men with appropriate respect, house chores done, raising children to marry their neighbor’s elders … before they are old enough to even know where children come from …

    It IS disgusting …
    Ursula, local Republicans here in Iowa are beginning to push no-restrictions anti abortion moves to include TOTAL BANS, even for rape, incest or danger to the mother … I want to know where the sources are for pre-natal care, preemy births, burial services for all the very young girls that die, giving birth and those that commit suicide rather than carrying a rapist’s vermin to term … the very young probably have no choice but C-sections, cutting the baby out of their small frame bodies … my concern is the mental anguish a young girl would suffer, remembering every moment of hell she suffered under the beer-breathing monster on top of her with the growing thing in her body, being perfectly OK with the Anti-abortion Republicans, the life-long strife of a rapist’s attack being more important than delivering her from that hell …

    Sorry, Ursula, for this rant, but I’m a strong believer, that the woman’s life, medical needs and other private things should be hers alone … between her and her doctor/s …

    Just a little shout out here, the bastards are showing their true colors, I just hope there IS a voting to crash a few well-known, (R-creeps), out there …

    • There was another one of these douche bags who thinks adolescence doesn’t really exist but was a creation of society and girls need to be married and knocked up by 16. Claims that by the time kids were in their teens, they were mini adults. Of course what he neglects to mention, likely because he’s an ignoramus, is just how short the average life span was back in the day particularly for, wait for it, girls and women. Un fucking believable. It’s as if these idiots have never seen how the life-spans in western societies have increased. There are a lot of reasons of course (vaccines for instance and I’ll bet this douche is against those also) but making children breed, having them work dangerous jobs (you know, like they did before child labor laws existed), and shit like that helped to extend the average life span in modern nations.

      Was there nobody in this douche’s audience who could knock him upside his dumb-ass head and tell him this shit? It’s not as if it’s a secret or anything like that. Most students, at least by the time they’re in H.S., know these things–why doesn’t congressman douche bag know them?

  2. I’ve lived in Utah for almost 40 years (not sure why) and some of these Mormon idiots never cease to amaze me. Curtis is obviously one. Glen, the guy running against him really has no chance. He lives in Summit County (as I do) and we’ve been known to be sinful devils.

  3. Come on guys/ladies…these are the cretins who believe Joseph smith’s rantings about golden plates, etc. As South Park spoofed these morons with the refrain…dumb dumb dumb dumb. And to think they all are armed. How fucking lovely. No wonder the aliens do fly bys.

    • I just watched that episode last night (DVD). That one is so hilarious and actually gives some real perspective on the mormon religion creation story.

      Yeah, if I were an interstellar visitor I’d be saying to my crew “roll up the windows guys, we’ll come back when they destroy themselves and see what’s left”. There is no hope for humanity so the best others in the universe can hope for is that at least insect life will survive our eventual and final dumb-fuck act.

  4. As someone who’s lived in Utah my whole life, I find the generalization(s) fairly insulting. Not all of us are like this idiot and there’s a good amount of us trying to make change for the better. But sure, lump me in with whoever you want, you’re free to do so.

    • Sorry Adam all generalizations have exceptions but if you are a Mormon…well what can I say? Any religion that teaches that silly crap including polygamy isn’t worth the time to discuss. Any man who believes he can keep multiple women happy at the same time is beyond delusional.

      • It’s not about ‘keeping women happy’ – that is disrespectful, we are not problems that need to be ‘sorted out’. The point is that women are intelligent independent humans who just like males should be treated as equally deserving of respect & consideration, and while between any 2 humans there will be differences of opinion, the discussion of such should not be ever about dominance or getting control. While I know it’s way more complicated than that with every pair of humans, the principle of equal rights comes first !

        • You married to five men? Doubt it. Not saying you are a problem just a dumbass idea either way. It ignores the reality of how complex A relationship is. Besides I’ve not met the woman who ever thinks SHE may be the issue in a relationship. Maybe you’re the exception.

  5. Contrary to popular belief, all Mormons do not fit the Utah cultural mold or weirdo cultists. I have been a democrat all my life, and I cry sometimes for the obvious muscular distress so many church members must endure regularly in order to twist their bodies and minds in such a way as to justify political positions completely at odds with the doctrines and principles they purport to believe. For me, the majority of republican positions, if they can be even described as positions are so opposed to the teachings of Jesus, as to be far more akin to the cult of cold-ward anti-Sovietism. Th Ezra Taft Benson/John Birch gospel was easily adopted by those who find actually living the faith’s principles far more difficult. Amazing how a culture can diverge so much from actual religious dogma. Even the current leaders are grappling with this issue and how to give significant talks at conferences without slamming their fists on the pulpit, as well as walking that fine line between political neutrality and loyalty to moral principles as they become intermixed with socio/political issues. The current crop of Mormon politicians is a result of the Utah culture, and nearly all from the western USA are of the same mold, with those like Mike Lee, and the former rep Jason Chaffitz, and their ilk having been labeled “mormonnazies” by the SL Trib’s Robert Kirby. Likely the most moderate of all is Mitt Romney, and even he is far to the right of his own father. Unlike his father, he talks a good line, but still votes generally lockstep or pretends to do the right thing, like his impeachment vote, but only when he knows his action won’t change the outcome. The GOP follows the maxim of P.T. Barnum that a sucker id born every minute, and the Mormon GOP pols are no different, tragically.


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