Thank God it’s only 2021. If by some chance Donald Trump does run again, here is a glimpse of the revisionist history and pure fabulism that we’re going to be listening to, and right now we’re all trying to recuperate from the first foray down the rabbit hole and into utter madness.

Trump is claiming — and he probably believes it. That’s his gift. He believes his own bullshit — that he conquered the coronavirus. Listen to him tell you that in his own words. I can’t wait for J-L Cauvin to do a parody of this, because this is already beyond parody.

Politics has always been about puffery. Most politicians are trained lawyers, so they get the concept of minimize and maximize when making an argument. That’s ingrained. But what we have seen in the Trump era smashes all the norms of engagement. He just lies. He simply opens his mouth and more fantasy content comes spewing forth than you’re likely to find in the sci fi section of any bookstore. He makes it up out of whole cloth.

The problem, of course, is that so many people believe him and want to believe him. If Trump does run again, I think it’s a good idea if a real time fact check can scroll next to him, much in the manner that you have sign language translators. Because knowing Trump, if he runs again, he will go for the gusto, all lies all the time. Not that it wasn’t that in 2016 and in his years in office, but it will get much much worse. You are seeing a sneak preview right now.


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  1. This from a man who bragged that our troops in the revolutionary War “secured the airports.” Hey bozos. Making stupidity ur golden calf will surely lead to YOUR ruin. U’ve been warned so many times. Time to wake up b4 u bury somebody YOU care about.

  2. He did everything he could to make sure people died, from stealing PPEs that hospitals and states bought, to having NO plans for distribution of the vax.
    STFU, Donnie. You’re STILL a useless lying POS.

  3. After releasing 5500 Taliban members to go back into Afghanistan, including the man now recognized as the head man there, in one of his most horrible, “deals”, leaving a huge mess for Biden … it bolstered the Taliban there, making the faster influx of the Taliban possible …

    The real criminal action in all this was the Bush/Cheney team pushing the military around and forming an open pit for our funds with no paybacks to use, like a working army and government … Biden did the only thing reasonable … now where did all that cash go?

    Billions and Trillions — Where?

    • Contractors, providers of equipment, CEOs of those companies – and the former government of Afghanistan, which was massively corrupt.

    • The former guy in Kabul took off and brought $116 million with him. Sure that’s small potatoes compared to what companies like Prince, Haliburton, etc. received. It does give us an idea of just how f*cked up things were for 20 years.

  4. After turning his fat ass to the virus and hiring Scott Atlas to help in killing hundreds of thousands of Americans he’s now claiming victory over Covid 19. His brainless attempt at “herd immunity” turned into wholesale slaughter. Genocide anyone?

  5. Don’t 4get not only did he hand everything over to the taliban, he withdrew most of our forces, closed 10 airforce bases, & DID NOT ALLOW BIDEN ACCESS TO INTELLIGENCE REPORTS TO PREPARE ANYTHING. We need to wake the phuck up. Nikki cunt Haley tweeted we shouldn’t negotiate with the taliban. What a phucking lying bitch. She worked for him during his release of prisoners & his turning over the country. Typical of these evil hypocrites.


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