The old video tape chickens do come home to roost, don’t they. There’s a tweet for everything and a video tape(s) for everything.

In 2016 Donald Trump did an especially idiotic town hall wherein he was asked what should happen to women having an abortion. Trump readily offered that they should be punished.

Fast forward to 2022 and a bill to charge women with murder for abortion is being advanced.

Welcome to the era of patriarchal control. Probably miscarriages will be lumped in here somewhere as well. Or, maybe we should take this to its final absurdity: Women who have normal menstrual periods should be tried for murder, because they should have gotten pregnant instead. I can see the placards now, Menstruation Is Murder.

Females should just get pregnant at the age of 12 and stay pregnant until they die of old age or blow themselves away because they have no life other than being pregnant.

Oh, well, maybe we could let a few women not be pregnant all the time if they were serving men in other ways besides having children for the state.

This topic does lend itself to dystopian fiction, does it not?

Speaking of which, if you haven’t seen this Meidas Touch ad, it is bone chilling.

Straight out of a nightmare.

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  1. That word was my identical reaction the first time I saw this yesterday. I made my husband watch it today. He thought it was pretty hairy, but not quite like I did. I guess you gotta be female, huh?

    • You mean “nightmare?” There are so many lives that have NOT been messed up because abortion has been legal and available. To demonize those women as murderers is so so wrong. It is patriarchy, pure and simple. The GOP is the Grotesque Old Patriarchs party.

  2. In regard to miscarriages, my wife became extremely upset after having one – the loss was bad enough, but the fact that the attending physician referred to it as a ‘spontaneous abortion’ really set her off. He had to patiently explain that he used the medical term and didn’t mean to imply any fault on her part.

    The point is that is what a ‘miscarriage’ actually is and none of the proposed ‘legislation’ seems to take any account of that.


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