We are a week down the road from the abrogation of Roe v. Wade and the misogynists are crawling out from the woodwork. The right-wingnuts are overjoyed. They hate women and now they’re gleefully proclaiming it from the rooftops.

What is ugly about misogyny is that it is literally a discrimination against fully half of our species. It cuts across all racial boundaries, all geographical lines, all cultures, all social classes. If you’re born female in this world, you find out very fast that you got the short straw, the bad luck of the draw. I had a lot of people tell me in my childhood that I should have been born a boy because I was smart and opinionated, two qualities which are anathema if you are a woman.

Listen to this drivel and prepare to be sickened or enraged or saddened. Or all three.

It’s interesting how this cauldron is now bubbling and is ready to overflow. Misogyny is one of those traits which ebb and flow in the culture. Some decades are better than others. What happened last week is that the floodgates were opened, and woman hating is now the order of the day. It’s out in the open.

Did anybody here see the movie, “A Boy and His Dog,” based on the Harlan Ellison novella of the same title? In that picture, there is a post-apocalyptic society where there are no women, because if a woman is found, she is raped and murdered. That’s in the above-ground society. There is a “normal” society which is underground, and in the story the protagonist is lured from the violent world he was born into, into the strange underground culture. The reason I bring it up, is because it is a piece of dystopian sci fi, as is “Handmaid’s Tale” which takes misogyny to its logical extreme, which is simply enslaving and destroying women. Why not? Let’s cut to the chase, shall we?

Seriously, maybe it’s time for a world with no women at all. Let’s just have a world of men and they can grow other men in test tubes as need be. I’m all for it. I hate to see women victimized as I have my entire life and I hate to see smart women told that they were born the wrong gender, as I was told as a child.

And it was worse for women of previous generations. I had women friends who were born in the 20’s and 30’s at one point, and they were brilliant, but they always had to play the second fiddle role and be defined by their relationships, whose wife or mommy they were. Never their own achievements or their own work.

Color me disgusted by the bozos in this clip. They’re just the younger version of guys I’ve known my entire life. The more things change the more they are the same.


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  1. Misogynists don’t just discriminate against women, they truly hate women. And they don’t do what is “logical,” which is to avoid the object of their hatred as much as possible. Instead, they use and abuse women to fulfill their perverse desires. One woman I know described her ex-husband: “He didn’t love me, but he wanted me for the three “S’s” – Sex, Service, and Silence.

  2. The description in the first video is just absolutely mind-boggling.

    “Women can’t solve the world’s problems because those problems were created by men.” Really? I’d call it circular logic but there’s absolutely no semblance of “logic” in the statement.

  3. Note their ‘extra strong’ biblical names. Elijah and Josiah David. Sounds like these brats have been indoctrinated since birth.

  4. There’s Lois McMaster Bujold’s “Ethan of Athos”, which has a society that’s all men, who reproduce using eggs from purchased ovaries – and the most recent batch of ovaries is from cows…so Ethan, as a junior, gets sent to find out how and what happened to the actual purchase.

  5. These dumb-asses think they’re in the majority instead of recognizing the reality of the situation: they are the remaining fools fixing to die thereby leaving our nation a little more intelligent with their passing.

    If the world’s problems were “created by men”, and I really cannot disagree with that statement, then logic dictates men certainly won’t be able to solve them, only create more problems. This does not for one moment mean women cannot solve the world’s problems but in fact indicates that we ought to be letting them handle these problems. Why feed the insanity machine by even allowing men to be involved with solving the world’s problems?


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