You don’t need to study psychiatry in Vienna to realize that what Madison Cawthorn is doing here in his final address to the House reveals far more about his own personal mental landscape than it does about any sociological insight he may have to offer.

Cawthorn had a supreme opportunity when he was elected to congress to have a good life for himself and serve the people of his district and he pi$$ed it all away. Totally. All he had to do was keep his head down and show up and vote and he would have been fine.

But no, he had to morph into some MAGA cultural warrior, some kind of rebellious icon, the moral conscience of Washington in a backward turned baseball cap and he did himself in. He made himself one of the most hated figures in Washington, on both sides of the aisle. Here’s his pathetic swan song.

Cawthorn did basically no work in his two years as a congressman and he spent money like water. After he lost his primary, he didn’t even make the pretense of working. His offices were closed, the answering machine was on, emails weren’t returned.

His district didn’t have representation, is the simple fact. Yes, he voted the rubber stamp GOP ticket for a while, when he showed up, but other than that, it was all political theater.

Now, we are told that Cawthorn has purchased a $1.1 million house in Florida and he’s going to do something in politics there.

Frankly, I’m amazed Cawthorn is still alive. I was seriously thinking that when the reality of what he had done to himself came home to him, when he lost his primary, that he might just lose it and off himself. I did think that. I am frankly amazed that he’s got enough emotional stability to hang in there and regroup, although if moving to Florida to be a hanger on in MAGA politics is regrouping, I’m not sure this is much of a recovery. He may have learned something from his ordeal but it doesn’t seem to be much.

Still and all, for somebody who managed a Chick-Fil-A and then answered the phone in Mark Meadows office, to have a one million dollar house in Florida and be connected politically, after a disgraceful two years in the House, is progress. I guess. I wonder who paid for the house. Putin, maybe?


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  1. This kid needs to go back home to mommy and daddy and finish growing up. What a waste of all of our time and energies, especially the chumps who voted for him, and the folks who were supposed to be represented by him. A real rip off.

  2. I’m an old fart now. Mid sixties. I’ve lived a varied and at times interesting life. Ups & downs. Triumphs and tragedies. I’ve known a wide range of people, including highly successful and even powerful ones. It’s not been an easy life but it’s been a full one.

    Having said all that I’ll say this – respect based on fear isn’t respect. No person should want or accept it. I’ve been in the service (Marines) and in civilian life and held positions of authority. There’s a moment from the movie Taps which has always stuck with me as a boss/supervisor and especially during my time on active duty (leadership is a serious thing in the Corps) when George C. Scott’s character tells his newly minted “Cadet Major” (top ranking cadet at the military prep school) “Now, they’ll respect the rank – but they won’t respect the man unless he earns it.”

    Respect, true respect is earned. And not easily. Being born to money and power, or being a bully and inspiring fear doesn’t confer actual respect to an individual.

    One of the greatest honors of my life was being Master of my Masonic Lodge in my midwestern hometown. (I completed my term shortly before at age 26 heading off to become a Marine) The installation of Officers for a coming year is an event where family members, friends or even the public is welcome although often they are not invited. It starts with the Master, and that part is the longest. It is so long because it not only delves into history (and the roots of the ceremony are ancient, back to Old Testament times) but the responsibilities of the Master for “the welfare of all” so to speak. It was only when my installation was complete, when I was handed the gavel and the hat placed on my head that I truly understood what old-timers who had coached me through my Masonic journey and education who had themselves served at Master said, that it was the most humbling experience of their life.

    But earlier, standing at the alter and hearing words I’d heard spoken to predecessors there was a part that seared me and has remained part of me. “The very consciousness of a great power will ever make a generous mind cautious and gentle in its exercise. To rule has been the lot of many, and requires neither strength of judgement or soundness of intellect. To rule WELL has been the fortune of but few, and may well be the object of an honorable ambition. It is not by the strong arm or the iron will that order and obedience, the chief requisite of good government are secured; but by holding the key to the hearts of men.” (Yes, I’d bet a lot that I quoted it exactly from memory all these decades later. That’s the impact it had on me)

    Think about Trump, and the Presidents who came before and after him in the context of those words. If you’re old enough think about all the Presidents and other national leaders in your lifetime. Who earned respect the right way, by putting the needs of others first and trying to use their power to improve the lives of as many people as possible? Who, even when you strongly disagreed with a decision or policy knew enough that despite your belief they were wrong had come to their decision for the right reasons?

    Cawthorne doesn’t know jack shit about such things. It’s why he flamed out so spectacularly. And probably why the Naval Academy rejected him! He’s got a sad because people not only don’t fear him, but openly mock him. If he doesn’t like how things are, he only has to look in the mirror to see the person responsible!

  3. Yeah, I was a recipient of those “lessons” Cawthorn was spouting on about. The only thing I learned is how much his preferred breed of “tough guy” are weaklings at heart. Going to Florida is what his kind do when going to Alabama would be too on the nose in terms of actual character.

    • True but women support them. Look at what just happened in the House. The Republicans banned abortion with no exceptions & still get voted into power, which couldn’t happen unless women voted them in. The butcher won’t put down the blade as long as the chickens line up for the chopping block.

      • SOME women support them. Those women are evangelical Christians raised from.birth never to.question authority. No college other than Bible college which reenforces the brainwashing.Fortunately, intelligent women outnumber them. We know that without an education, we cannot get decent jobs so we can support ourselves if Mr.Right turns out Mr. Wring. Colleges educated Americans lean left and Dem That is why they try to make it impossible to get higher education.

  4. Right. The same Madison Cawthorn who was caught on video, naked on a bed dry humping another naked man has the gall to lecture American men about the dangers of ‘metrosexuality’. What a joke the GOP has become.


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