This is refreshing. The debt ceiling issue is not about the Democrats spending. It’s never been about the Democrats spending. And it’s nice to hear that reality from the lips of a Republican strategist.

And it’s no surprise that Addison Mitchell McConnell III changed his tune after Democrats started talking about filibuster reform. PoliticusUSA:

As Sen. Dick Durbin said, “More and more people are drawing that conclusion. I think people feel the supermajority on the debt ceiling is a bridge too far.”

Nothing scares Mitch McConnell more than the threat that he may soon become Kevin McCarthy.

House Minority Leader McCarthy has no power. He is a speed bump in a body where the majority rules all.

If Democrats changed the filibuster and had the ability to do things that a majority of Americans have wanted for years, it would turn Mitch McConnell into a powerless spectator, and the only thing that the Senator from Kentucky truly loves is power.

McConnell is on his way to a big debt ceiling cave.

If McConnell is so afraid of filibuster reform, that is all the more reason for Democrats to do it tomorrow because anything that Mitch McConnell hates is probably good for America.

I have great faith that Build Back Better is coming together but as I have said before, it’s a teeter totter. It’s going to go up and down and each party on the teeter totter is hoping they’re not the one in the air when the one on the bottom steps off.


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  1. A rich senator in a poor state. They just might want him to explain how that came about. I sure as hell hope it pans out. I said in the run up to Biden getting elected that progressives need to learn to take smaller bites. They just need to get a seat at the table. For years, when it didn’t click they just picked up their toys and went home. This time they stopped and got some cookies and ice cream. Small bites get big results.


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