You know what it’s like when you get a paper cut, right? The son of a gun hurts until it eventually heals (and it seems like it takes forEVER, doesn’t it?) I think Donald Trump’s crony Michael Flynn is like that. You don’t hear anything about him for ages and then, all of a sudden there he is, kind of like that psoriasis that brings you hell all over again. It itches and blisters and your skin looks like hash, and oh hell, what do you do now?

You can tell I have psoriasis, right? Well, unfortunately, I also have Mike Flynn popping up in the news again like that aforementioned painful blister.

MeidasTouchNetwork reports he works alongside two other knuckleheads — MAGA Realty co-founders Steve Scoderre and Cliff Gephart, and it seems like this trio has missed a few spelling bees or classes on proper grammar in the past. They promise to avoid using any of the money they earn on “woke” causes or candidates.

And the company states they will only hire and work with others who agree with them politically.

“each member of our company is thoroughly vetted to ensure that they share our beliefs, so you can rest assured that you are working with fellow patriots who will strive to invest in and uphold a conservative America.”

As you might expect, MAGA Realty is based in Florida. I remember when we lived in Ocala, there was “Good Ol’ Boys,” a car repair shop that we studiously avoided at all costs. Yeah, that’s FloriDUH for you.

And of course, these “Good Ol’ Boys” have a grammar-challenged website that proclaims MAGA Realty to be “the only TRUE conservative real estate company.” They note the company was founded by “Patriot Broker Steve Coderre and Cliff Gephart the Creator of Conservative Grounds Coffee and the Trumparilla Boat Parades.” The company’s former name was Revere Realty. As someone whose ancestors fought in the American Revolutionary War and the Civil War, I can tell you that Revere would be deeply offended by these people.

That war was fought to get the British off of our back, not to fight people who are “woke.” Flynn and his cronies have lost the message entirely. It’s true that the Constitution was mainly written for monied white men, with women and Blacks nowhere to be found, but they were also fighting to keep the country secular, so people could worship, or not worship as they chose. They weren’t fighting for Donald Trump’s so-called “Evangelicals” to tell you what to believe or how you can get to heaven if you just send them $19.95.

I would be remiss if I also didn’t mention these extremist right-wing fools also promise, thanks to their interpretation of the Second Amendment, that “every client gets an AR-15” in order “to make liberals heads explode.” That sounds ominous, so I hope no double meaning was intended. You can never really tell with these people.

MAGA Realty also promises those who close on a home will be the lucky recipients of a 25-foot flagpole because it holds “the belief that every American home should proudly display Old Glory in their yard.” As MeidasTouch notes “You’ll never forget what country you purchased your home in ever again!”

If you’re wondering why Flynn is involved with this, even though it sounds insane enough for him to be interested, well there’s this, according to the website:

“a portion of every sale goes to support the fight like a flynn pac. no american in modern times has given more to america and been attacked for doing so.”

I’m certain a good fact-checker may have something to say about this and these fools might not like what that person finds.

Oh, and anti-vaxxer dolts might like this:

This is pretty bizarre but actually true. You can purchase blood, breast milk, and semen from Flynn’s dating site. This is a whole new level of weird, and you can do this for the low, low price of $2500 and $25,000.

I’m sure there are some idiots actually blowing $25,000 on this. Let’s hope they meet the Trump idiots buying houses from MAGA Realty so they can keep the disease between themselves. Flynn really has the grift going here. But then he’s one of Trump’s allies, so then what else is new?

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  1. To become a member, they require a successful criminal records check, which would exclude the founders. Flynn reminds me of General Jack D. Ripper in Dr. Strangelove, but without the charm. He quite literally wants to restore America’s precious bodily fluids.

  2. In all fairness, ranks are having a tough time getting laid or even getting dates. Who knew women wouldn’t want to date Manly Men™ who think women should not be able, not allowed toget an education , not get for equal work, not be allowed to.decide if they want a child, not be permitted decide when to have a kid if they want mothers, not have any say about controlling their own fertility or wanting to continue living if pregnancy threatens their life or health.
    Gee, O wonder why women aren’t just bowled over by attention from condescending misogynists, let alone bullet headed rednecks with a 6th grade education and the entitled mentality and attention span of a toddler who throw mantrums if she dares to.disagree with him.on anything ( the guys who are the reason why women choose the bear in that meme).


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