No, the headline isn’t a joke. It’s just an indication of how sick and twisted the mind of Fox “personality” Greg Gutfeld is, and that of those at Fox who allow him to pollute the airwaves via their network. You know more than you want to about Stormy Daniels’ encounter with Trump that led to her feeling coerced enough to have a quickie with Trump so she could just get it over with and get the hell out of his room. Salacious as the details revealed in court were they didn’t even begin to cover it. If you’ve followed this sleazy tale of Trump womanizing then you know much more. I’ll get to that but the fact Gutfeld is trying to spin this into Trump being a sex god is off the charts batshit insane.

I was alerted to a story by The Daily Beast about this but couldn’t access it. However, I found another write up, this one from a more Trump Friendly outlet The Washington Examiner which takes a conservative view. Their article is a tawdry read indeed. It describes a leering, misogynistic a-hole (Gutfeld) describing another man he worships who possess those same traits. Here’s why Gutfeld says we should view Trump as a “sex god:”

“Stormy claims that she blacked out in this tryst with Trump, but she wasn’t on any drugs or alcohol,” Gutfeld said. “You blacked out without drugs or alcohol. Some of us call that sleeping. Now, it could be that she really blacked out after having sex with Trump, which is a compliment. Truly, he screwed the brains out of her — that makes him a sex god.”

Just reading that again cause me to lose my appetite. (It’s dinnertime) Daniels I should note is smarter than Trump and smarter than Gutfeld. Despite growing up poor she’d earned a full academic scholarship to Texas A & M to study Veterinary Medicine. Despite the scholarship she couldn’t afford the incidental living expenses and put that dream on hold. You know the career path her life took. Daniels was a top performer for a top porn company back in 2006. She was smart and savvy, and had encountered plenty of men who had some power and knew how to thwart unwanted advances. But she’d dropped her guard with Trump and when she came out of the bathroom to see in on the bed in his skivvies, and when she tried to walk past standing up and in her way had How did I allow myself to get into this situation? thoughts.

Daniels is blunt. She says she wasn’t raped, or physically threatened. She did feel coerced and as too many women have done adopted a Rather than this maybe getting really bad just give in and get it over with mentality. That she would during part of Trump’s time on top of her disassociate to the point of “blacking out” for a couple of minutes is understandable. But she got the hell out of there. And she DID remember an awful lot of details, many of which didn’t get brought up in court. However, we’ve heard them in other places long before Trump was ever in danger of even being indicted. Grab your Brain Bleach.  Because Gutfeld has either forgotten or ignores some not at all “sex god” aspects of Trump and his “sex god” personae Gutfeld wants everyone to believe. Such as:

  • Trump’s “junk” was less than average in length. Not short short but well under 6″
  • Trump’s “junk” had a pronounced “mushroom shaped” head. (I know. Eeeewww!)
  • Trump didn’t even last five minutes!

Yeah Gutfeld. That’s some “sex god” we’re talking about. I’ve made sarcastic comments because Trump’s ego was (and remains) crushed over such details Daniels spilled about him in interviews from years ago after the story broke. I recall a clip on a late night comedy show where the host even had a tray of orange penises made of Play-Do brought out of different lengths and sized mushroom heads. She pointed out one that was I guess over four inches but not even quite five and everyone had a good laugh.

But my sarcastic comments were that I (and you too) KNOW that Trump thought he was male porn star materials.  He was soooooooo proud of himself and thinking how no guy on a porn set had ever “pleased” Daniels the way he just had. His sick, (at some point thinking about his daughter Ivanka who he’d compared Daniels to) mind just assumed Daniels would call up begging for more of him.  And that she’d tell her fellow adult actresses and THEY would be calling up begging him to get f**ked by him.  What a vile, sick man!

He was so awful Daniels forced her mind into brief dissociative state. Granted, Trump wasn’t as fat and ugly back in 2006 as he has been since entering politics but there are pics of him then and he was no freaking Adonis. Just a middle age guy already turning to seed.  If he had the audacity to walk onto a porn set naked, even then assuming the gals would go running to HIM everyone would have collapsed on the floor laughing. Pointing at his “junk.” And laughing some more.

When choosing a title pic I had grosser pictures of Trump but I chose the one I did for a reason. It was taken at the State Dinner Queen Elizabeth couldn’t get out of finally having for him. Trump thought he was “stylin” in his white tie outfit. Which broke about every rule in the book for how white tie is supposed to look. He was too fat for both the tailcoat, and if you look closely the white waistcoat is about to pop its buttons. Trump though he was putting James Bond to shame. What he was doing was putting the United States to shame with his buffoonery. The look on the Queen’s face said it all. Her grimace was telling us all what she was thinking which was along the lines of: This is downright embarrassing to have to be photographed with this FOOL. 

Getting back to Gutfeld he reveals more of what a despicable P.O.S. he is:

“Everything that I’ve heard makes Trump more sympathetic, more likable,” Gutfeld said. “Do you have a context at all for a tryst between a porn star and a billionaire? Do you have anything to compare this against? Stormy called it an imbalance of power. Well, duh. That’s why you met him. If he were a mechanic, if he was a high school teacher, you wouldn’t have run up and slept with him. It was all about the power. It was all about the imbalance. That’s how this transaction works when you’re a porn star.”

After court ended for the day I heard a legal pundit and Nicole Wallace talking about Susan Necheles attitude during her cross examination. It was characterized as Nechele’s questions being slut-shaming. Without using the word calling Daniels a whore to her face there in court. Saying to her You screw people on camera and are a whore and anyone that wants to is entitled to screw you because you’re a whore. Something Gutfeld might as well have directly said himself. I’m surprised he didn’t. Then again he’s probably not done.

And worse, more of this type of talk, much more is yet to come. Gutfeld is I think jealous of Trump because HE would have to have used serious force and outright raped Daniels. But hey he’d say, she’s a porno gal so she always has it coming.  I saw Lisa Rubin say Necheles (and she’d say the same of Gutfeld and others who chime in with him) how offended she was because Trump’s lawyer pretty much said You’re a porn star. You might as well have a sign around your neck that says “Open to All” but Rubin went on to note that even sex workers have the right to say when and with whom.

But Trump has people who think that way, just like Trump. And will defend him no matter what. In ways that are sick. Twisted. Vile, Despicable. Pure Trump. Pure MAGA.  I have to shut up for now because several times I’ve had to erase comments that if I posted them would force Ursula to ban me.  This is what Trump has wrought. The fact he’s the presumptive nominee of the GOP says all you need to know about them. Do whatever you can, even if it seems small to help defeat Trump and MAGA.

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  1. It’s not about his phucking penis. It’s about his abysmal character. Shallow thinking is why our phucking culture is what it is. FACT.

  2. Tarnishing Daniels for providing a service that I would bet half the men in DC partake of, is typical. It’s always the women who are vilified while the ones who pay for their services are unscathed.
    “I paid for sex with that woman. She’s a whore and I’m a god fearing Christian.”

  3. Says more about Outfield than Stormy Daniels. I think he has accidentally revealed he is gay though he’s so far in the closet he cane even be honest about it to.himself.
    It isn’t unusual for rape victims to.detach from the rape. It’s a way of staying sane. And while Stormy says it was consensual.albeit unwanted, so.legally not a rape, it is most definitely a rape ethically and nirally. Not that Trump would have taken “no” for an answer. E. Jean Carroll would agree on that.


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