What the world must have thought of us the night Donald Trump got elected. I am vaguely aware of some of the reaction. I was, of course, like at least half the country in a shell shock zone of my own, pinching myself to see if I was awake. I remember John Cleese recounting how he was in a bar in Manhattan, I believe it was, and people were blank faced and numb, words to that effect.

And extrapolating from there, I can only imagine what the reactions of world leaders were. I’m not sure I even want to know what most of them said, although I will say this: I would give anything to know what Justin Trudeau and Emmanuel Macron said to one another. I pray that one of them reveals that in a memoir at some point. Those two have known each other quite a while and considering the fact that Canada and France are two of our strongest allies, their unexpurgated views would be something.

We certainly got a glimpse of their views at the first NATO meeting and now Rudy Giuliani tells us his version. Was he even there? Anybody?

Do you love the Jabba the Hutt goombah, “He called her out.” This is what happens when you have morons analyzing foreign affairs.

Trump was late everywhere. He was also late to the G7 breakfast — or maybe it was the G20 or maybe both — and President Macron laughed out loud at him. It’s said that “punctuality is the courtesy of kings,” but Trump doesn’t know the meaning of the word “courtesy” because that term involves a respect for other peoples’ time and he has no respect for anything or anyone. He’s not evolved enough to know what respect is. He’s too primal. Everything he encounters is something that he makes a primitive decision about, should I kill it, eat it or fuck it?

Remember this image?

That pretty much says it all. Government by goombah. The era of Trump.

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  1. Trump tried his schtick about his awesomeness to the U.N. General Assembly and they literally laughed in his face. I guess he thought they’d shower him with adoration like a crowd of MAGA goobers at one of his rallies. I rather suspect after getting over the initial shock and then seeing he turned out even worse than they feared they might have even hoped he’d say something that would give them a “diplomatically acceptable” way of showing him the contempt in which he was/is held around the world.

    • p.s. I posted the clip because conservatives have been coming here spouting bullshit including how Trump made the U.S. “respected again.” There have been plenty of other examples with world leaders, but the enormity of the crowd of the U.N. General Assembly makes it clear how widespread disdain for your MAGA (orange) Turd Emperor has been. And bewilderment about WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THE UNITED STATES? that he somehow became President, even if it took a Constitutional Quirk (the same one that gave the world Bush 43 which hasn’t gone unnoticed in world capitols) to get him into office.

      He failed at business over and over again. How the fuck do you bankrupt a casino? (Answer, like any mob type who isn’t content to skim off only some of the profits but gets greedy. Or desperate trying to juggle too many other financial problems) That was only one of his bankruptcies by the way. The ONLY thing he’s proven good at is marketing himself. Alas, tens of millions of SUCKERS out there bought and still buy his bullshit. If he made you buy a shit sandwich made fresh from his fake gold toilet you dumbasses would eat it and to curry favor with him tell him it was the most bigly awesome meal you’d ever had. Then like Oliver say “Please sir, could I have some more?”

  2. Pretty sure the reaction of most of the world leaders was the face palm thing accompanied with the words “what the f*ck are they thinking?”

  3. Was that a real picture of diaper donny? I certainly always thought that was how he looked during those meetings. Sure does explain a great deal.


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