This is just the opposite of Rocky Mountain high, this is redneck cracker low.

This is true enough — at least the Kansas part. Akron is rural and has a population of 1,700.

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  1. “I apologize if I offended anyone” is a no-pology. He clearly offended at least one person at the time, and should have retracted his statement and apologized on the spot. If this old white person can see it, Holtdorf should have been able to see it.

  2. People often assume decorum is an inherent part of legislative discouse but this clown’s statement and demeanor underscores the very real animus that lies dormant with respect to ethnicity. His need, in his mind, to denigrate a colleague suggests not all people are entiltled to respect. Perhaps, the most appropriate means to endear this clown to the meaning of respect would be a right hook follwed by a straight left. We can all discount brain damage because apparently he’s already intellectually impaired.

  3. If you look at a political map of Colorado, you will see that its four Democratic Congressional districts are all clustered along the Fron Rang, Denver snd north, The three Republican districts are a lot more spacious and fill the rest pf the state. It’s those three districts which elected, from west to east, Lauren Boebert, Doug Lamborn, and Ken Buck. Mostly agricultural, with some tourism in the west and fracking in the east, especially the northeast. “Cracker” and “redneck” probably fit pretty well. But no state is 100% blue, and one must live somewhere.


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