I don’t know what planet Lara Trump lives on, but the rest of us live in the real world. Last week I wrote about her being interviewed by Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo. While the Republican National Committee co-chair seemed friendly enough, some ominous words came tumbling out as she discussed ways in which the GOP planned to disrupt major polling places on Election Day. And believe me, none of it was good news.

But now, in an interview with Newsmax’s Eric Bolling, I don’t know if Trump is delusional or trying to pull our collective legs. She’s claiming that her father-in-law Donald Trump completely accepts the results of elections, Mediaite reports.

Trump was on hand for Thursday’s episode of The Balance, and that’s when Bolling asked her about recent remarks from prominent Democrats who claim the former president will refuse to accept November’s election results if he loses – which is exactly what he did after he lost in 2020.

“you have barack obama, joe Biden, now Hillary Clinton saying something to you to the effect of, if Trump loses, he will not accept the results,” Bolling said. “is that coordinated?”

It was clear that Lara Trump was trying to sound confident and self-assured but her tone became kind of strident.

“i think, isn’t it all coordinated,” she said. “isn’t all of this stuff coming from one place? it’s pretty obvious that donald trump does accept election results despite the fact that it was a very questionable election in 2020 because joe biden is, unfortunately sitting in the oval office today?”

She can say that, after Trump fired off dozens of frivolous lawsuits contesting the results, with all but one being tossed out? She can say that after Trump tried to persuade Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to overturn the election results.

And Trump has kept this up all the way up until now and still claims the 2020 election was rigged against him. Even when he won in 2016, he didn’t believe the final results. He falsely alleged that “millions of people” illegally voted in the election, depriving him of the popular vote victory.

So when Lara Trump starts spreading her own brand of b.s. I don’t know if she truly believes this, or if this is a case of “if you say something often enough, people will come to believe it.”

“what donald trump has said – and i think he’s exactly right – is that we should have free, fair, and transparent elections,” she told bolling. “and unfortunately, eric, there are millions and millions of americans out there who don’t feel like they can trust our electoral process. We can’t function as a country like that.”

Then she said her father-in-law will accept November’s election results “if he feels it was a fair election.”

This woman really thinks we’re all stupid enough to believe this. But Trump and his cronies have been hyping completely false claims about election fraud for at least the past three years. Mediaite notes this may be a significant reason why nearly 70 percent of Republicans are convinced Biden’s 2020 victory was invalid.

Which kind of proves my point. Sometimes if you say something often enough, people will come to believe it. I have a hard time believing Lara Trump is this delusional but maybe she is. Or maybe she’s just conning people. Either way, it seems fitting since she is after all, a Trump.

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  1. He will feel it was ‘fair’ and he will accept the result.

    Provided, of course, that he wins. Any other result will be a different story

  2. She quantified it by saying “if he feels it was a fair election”. Of course he won’t feel that it was fair, no matter what the results.

  3. Right, Lara. Your farter-in-law will gladly accept election results. Which is why he’s dealing with that little mess in Georgia because of HIS pressuring officials to “find” a few thousand votes.
    The ONLY election results he has ever accepted or will ever accept are the ones that declare he won the election.
    When DONALD Trump says he will accept election results NO MATTER THE OUTCOME–WIN OR LOSE–then, and only then, would I be willing to believe him. Of course, this is a man who claimed that the 2020 election was “rigged” before the first PRIMARY ballot had been cast. So, his statement of accepting election results will ALWAYS be taken with a little grain of salt (say a grain the size of the Sun).

  4. It’s just a variation on “Heads I win – Tails you lose.” Trump has said if he wins then the election will have been fair. If not then it’s only because Democrats “cheated.” You even alluded to his past losses as in him talking about how once you deduct “all the millions of illegal votes” he won by a landslide. Trump’s already laying the groundwork to say the same shit again, because regardless of what so many of the polls we see suggest he believes that when it’s time for people to start casting votes he’s in deep trouble. He can’t afford to lose ANY MAGAs or Evangelical “Christians” and in fact he isn’t losing a lot of them. Yet. But he has those two small cuts that are bleeding. Not flowing freely but more than just a few drops and the wound isn’t closing/healing. It could well turn into a steady flow of electoral blood and even two or three percent of those blocs would be fatal to Trump.
    What really has him running scared is that Haley’s been out of the race for so long but even in closed primaries since Super Tuesday she’s pulling fifteen percent give or take with primary voters and primary voters in either Party are the most faithful voters. What just happened in Indiana, a pretty reliable conservative state with Haley getting almost 22% has to be freaking Trump out. Yes, in the end half or more of those voters will pick Trump but the rest? They don’t have to vote for Biden. They can vote for another candidate, or simply not vote for anyone for President while filling out the rest of their ballot. So if Trump loses a couple percent with the MAGAs/”Christian” crazies, and even only five or six percent of non-MAGA level crazy Republicans he’s screwed. Because if that many non-MAGA Republicans will refuse to vote for HIM (again, even if they vote GOP down ballot) then support from Independents will crater.
    Trump’s ego can’t take losing even on something small. Losing as a major Party candidate for President is devastating to people, even those who’ve had a stellar career and reputation in public service. George McGovern got wiped out by Nixon in 1972. A great Democrat and highly respected elected official and he served with distinction in WWII. It’s said that Dukakis (lost to the elder Bush in 88) asked him HOW he got over losing to Nixon and McGovern replied “I’ll let you know when I do.” Some things a person just can’t get over. Every March I feel a bitterness over the last game of my high school basketball career, where we lost the Regional Championship to an inferior team. If we played them a hundred times my team would have won 99 times but that particular night Herrin had the game of their lives and part of my team had an “off” night. And our best player really fucked up that night so we lost. Fair and square I must add. I STILL haven’t gotten over it and I dread next year and the 50th anniversary of it. FIFTY years and I haven’t gotten over it, and I know I never will.
    I can’t even imagine how a major Party Presidential candidate that loses feels once they know they’ve lost. A person simply doesn’t get over it and I wouldn’t expect Trump to do so any more than anyone else. The difference with Trump is that he simply can’t admit it. Watching the Capitol Riot he incited because he wouldn’t accept he’d lost is proof of how fragile he actually is. THIS time losing would be even worse for him. Not just his ego is at stake but his freedom. So he’s trying to set up another riot to force (literally) his selection by his MAGA mob as President. With the whole “If I win it will be fairly and if I lose it’s because Democrats cheated” bullshit.

  5. Millions of Americans don’t believe we have fair elections BECAUSE of him! I personally believe we won’t have fair elections until the electoral college and gerrymandering are gone and we truly elect our leaders by popular vote. The current system is stacked for the GOP and it’s only because of the popular vote that we aren’t an oligarchy, because we are really damn close to it now.

  6. Ah. She used the “Get out of jail free” card by adding ” if he thinks it was fair.”

    Honestly I think this bingo has had half of her brain rotted by listening to her own singing voice.

    • Bimbo, not bingo. The game is boring, but she is entertaining if you like listening to Abbey Road played backwards.

  7. Well it’s kinda like the guy who lights the fuse on the bomb and then strolls down the street whistling a sweet little tune while it sizzles. And if you believe that Trump is going to accept the results of any election he didn’t win you are batshit crazy. Guns are available in lines one and two. These people aren’t going to be happy until they are either in jail or dead. That’s just the way it is. It’s sad but true.


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