Mike Lindell gets miffed fairly easily and with regularity. I would repost the hilarious video where he went after myself and Justin Baragona of the Daily Beast the night he launched Frankspeech, but the video has since been deleted. God bless Jimmy Kimmel, whose editors did a mash up of the portion of Lindell’s meltdown where he and Brannon Howse spent minutes trying to figure out how to pronounce “Ursula.” If you missed that debacle, you can read it now. What a week that was. First, the attack on me by Lindell on Frankspeech and then the Lindell mash up. My Twitter feed was ringing off the hook. My fifteen minutes of fame.

Back to Lindell’s latest on-camera display of rancor. Great Britain’s Channel 4 did a documentary on Q-Anon. They invited Michael Flynn and Mike Lindell to speak. Apparently there was some miscommunication in the booking. I suspect that Lindell and Flynn thought they were there to promote the Big Lie and when they found out they were in enemy territory, they got miffed.

The temper tantrum starts at 3:10. Enjoy.

What’s a conspiracy theorist to do? Lin Wood has gone bonkers, pointing the finger at Mike Flynn, Patrick Byrne’s prediction that the infamous Lindell lawsuit would be accepted by SCOTUS on 12/06 bombed, now the Brits won’t even let the two Mikes have air time to preach their stolen election dogma. How can you pass the collection plate with all this going on?

Stay tuned. This will all get a lot nuttier. Just wait for Dominion to do something in the litigation process.


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  1. If I knew just how low the bar was to get promoted in the military, I would have given them 20 years-I’d be in charge of the entire she-bang. lmao


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