Merrick Garland will tear up when he hears this — tears of laughter. Louie Gohmert is sharing his misty, water colored memories of the Department of Justice, back in a gentler and more romantic age, an age Louie misses very much. The Republicans are big on gentle, romantic images, you see. Remember, this is the party where Josh Hawley fist pumps and then sells a coffee cup with the image (after running for his life out a side door of the Capitol) and Ted Cruz courts the gun lobby with machine gun cooked bacon.

The DOJ has executed a lot of search warrants lately, starting with the granddaddy of them all at Mar-a-Lago on August 8, less than five weeks ago. Since that time the number of subpoenas issued is so thick that if they were airborne, it would look like a wave of bats coming out of Washington, D.C.

And it’s too much for Louie Louie, oh baby, I mean he’s gotta go now and find a bottle of tranquilizers, or gin, or both. Aye-yi-yi-yi.

I can see a middle schooler having the opinion that the DOJ should give a courtesy call before serving a subpoena but a former judge? For such Louie was, before he became a member of Congress.

He also held the distinction of being considered the Stupidest Member Of Congress for many years but that was before MAGA, before the likes of Boebert and Greene.

The party of law and order better start sleeping with its clothes on now, just in case those knocks come on the door in the wee hours. One sure way to avoid such a thing is to be a law abiding citizen, just saying.

For months and days he checks the polls, thinks of Trump, the ways he rolls, on the ballot, he dreams Trump’s there, smells McDonald’s in his hair, Louie Louie, oh no, oh baby, midterms gonna blow now, AYE-YI-YI-YI…I say midterms gonna blow now…

Okay, let’s get it them, right now!


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  1. Stupidest Member Of Congress is THE most highly contested position for everyone in the GOP. The Democratic Party members are all a long way from competing, it’s GOP as all the top runners.

  2. Gosh Mr potatohead…someone pull your ears off? Your head is empty…perfect for a judge. We know the rules…you get to do whatever you want & others must do what you want. Got it.


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