Holy October Surprise, Batman! This could be a good tool for the incumbent California governor to use against front runner in the recall, Larry Elder. Elder outs himself in a big way here. Let’s see if he walks this back like he walked back the “Joe Biden was lawfully elected” comment.

Media Matters:

Conservative pundit Larry Elder announced his run for governor of California months after he declared that he did not have the temperament or the drive for the job. Media Matters has previously reported Elder’s affinity for pregnancy discrimination, hatred of the Americans with Disabilities Act, fondness for conspiracy theories about voting machines, and a longstanding toxic record from his years as a right-wing pundit.

The ridiculous rules of the California recall election make it so that Elder may well be governor with a mere fraction of the vote.

If we learned one thing from Donald Trump’s presidency, it’s that anything can happen. Let’s hope Californians turn out en masse to do the right thing.

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  1. How we ended up with the rules for this recall is beyond me. One thing we all need to do is vote NO on the recall and then put Newsom’s in the write-in space. With 40+ candidates on the ballot this is freaking scary.

    • If you put Newsom’s name in the write-in space, it’s no good, because they only count people who have filed as write-ins, and *Newsom can’t legally run*.
      We’ve been explaining this for a couple of weeks!

  2. The most reasonable stategy is to vote No on recall (Newsom stays in office if “No” gets majority), but vote for Kevin Faulconer to block Larry Elder from winning. Faulconer is not as radical as other Republicans, and choosing a “replacement” candidate doesn’t affect your “No on recall” vote.


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