It’s been another one of those weeks and week four begins tomorrow. Three weeks have come and gone since Matt Gaetz achieved his goal of toppling Kevin McCarthy — and with no plan for a replacement. Gaetz is the kind of guy who would have dropped an H-bomb on people in the 50’s, without even suggesting that they might want to seek shelter or at the very least go hide in the basement. “Oh, gee. I didn’t know humanity was supposed to survive the bomb and carry on. I just wanted to drop one, to see what happened.”

And again I remind you, TV broadcasts go out into outer space. This is our shame, which will arrive on some civilized planet’s broadcast screens 50,000 years from now and they’ll say, “Damn. Those people were in trouble.”

Who knows? Maybe some advanced alien civilization has had a show on the air for hundreds of millennia now called, “You Won’t Believe What’s Out There” where they air broadcasts from planets far away. If so, they’ll love this world. They won’t believe that this is coming from the supposedly most advanced culture on this planet. At least I know I would find it hard to believe, that this is a culture that has found ways to put a man on the moon, probes on Mars, remove brain tumors, deflect an asteroid from hitting the planet, develop vaccines, split the atom, invent the motion picture and compose great symphonies.

I’m just hoping that if they ever do hear about us they’ll try to look for some of that stuff in our broadcasts, because if this is all they look at, we’re toast. Klaatu won’t even bother to land here and warn us, they’ll just decide we’re too toxic to associate with and incinerate us.

Since you’re already here, here’s a few seconds of Don Junior and the condition he’s in.

This is what comes out of a culture that is obsessed with acquisitions above actions and inherited wealth above personal achievement.


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  1. “I dream of the day my children will be judged by the content of their character and not by the color of their skin”. Dr. King…who caught a 30/30 slug in the face for trying to help the garbage workers in Memphis. That is our culture. We worship cultural lies, power, money, fame, guns, and white skin. That’s who we’ve been for 240 years. The bill is due, and it may be time to check out, as soon as the planet rejects us as a species. Oh, and a note to the religious hypocrites with ‘God’ on their side…I’d keep my expectations low for a rescue. While I was typing, some child in Gaza just got blown all to hell. That ‘God’ seems quite indifferent to our collective fate. Cue up the thumbs down for telling the truth. It’s the fastest way to trouble in America, whether it be at school, at church, at work, or any other goddamn place. Any intelligent species that can cross the vastness of space wouldn’t dare land in this mosh pit. Maybe after we’re extinct.



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