Does anybody remember Bob Woodward being elected president of the United States? Because I do not. But then again, I haven’t exactly been myself lately. I fell down a rabbit hole, or must have, a few years ago, because when I emerged, some reality TV clown was talking as if he was the president of the United States. What’s up with that? Say what? That’s real?

If you’re looking for one of those head shaking moments, where the line between “reality” and satire is straddled with blinding brilliance, here’s a troll for you.

Now what makes this even more incredible, this guy has #Trump2020 as one of the hash tags in his profile. So I went over to that thread. A lot of what’s over there is what you would expect, MAGAts calling Joe Biden a pedophile, mocking his stutter, etc. But, Hand to God, there is stuff like this as well. So here’s the bottom line: a lot of the MAGAts can’t tell when they’re being mocked. Now that’s terrifying. Because it means that all they see is an image and they’re not listening to what’s actually being said — oh, wait. Never mind.


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    • In your defense, he is so damned good he makes it very difficult tosee that he is not one of them but mocking them. His take on the sinking of the boat parade was hilarious. The only thing I could point to as a tell was the name of his supposed boat – “the SS MAGAritaville.” And even that is really not as over the top as some of the reality.

  1. Trump traitor trash could not have been more thoroughly exposed. This guy was great. If he was unaware of what he was doing, he was still great. Remember the ole ethics conundrum about the guy that shoots someone in the head but the bullet cures a brain disorder? I don’t care if he was really trying to support Trump. He even looks like a Troll.

    I have been trying to explain to Trump voters on that if you are the get-away driver and your fellow robber kills a little old lady trying to deposit her social security check, you are going to be charged with murder. They need to know they are the get-away driver. Responsibility is a tricky thing.

  2. Kudos for wading through MAGA world to see the response to this. It blows my mind that apparently the goobers don’t realize this dude is mocking them! The only extra thing I would have like him to add in was that he was a proud “tea bagger.” I laughed till my sides hurt when those dumbasses so proudly referred to them that way. Too bad someone clued them in on what tea bagging actually means in popular culture. I’m sure it still kills many of them inside to have to use a “fancy pants” term like Tea Party! Still, one can hope that with this crowd #deepthroater will start trending! The movie was long enough ago that a whole slew of them won’t know the origins of Woodward & Bernstein’s name for their source!

    • Somebody on Twitter said that if you only followed people that you liked that you weren’t using Twitter right. I agree. You need to see what the loonies are doing. (Which is the only reason I follow Trump, obviously.)

        • I know what you mean about dealing with these folks in real life. There are some in my apt. building (an over 55 place btw) and folks I know from up in the eastern panhandle of WV where I lived for a long time after dropping out of the DC beltway rat race. And my hometown in southern Illinois – to paraphrase Thomas Wolfe I can’t go home again. It’s getting to be the time of year where I always get homesick, wanting to go back and spend a couple of weeks taking in the magnificent show mother nature always puts on back there. But I’ll never see it again because I’m not welcome. Oh, there are a few folks who’d be happy to see me but I wouldn’t put them in that position. The town is full on MAGA, and btw dying.

    • We’re going to out vote them. There is no other way. Either they outnumber us or we outnumber them, and if there are more than them, then America is gone. We’ll be speaking Russian in a few years.

      • I guess that is the lifestyle choice of the MAGAt….

        The former has adopted the Budweiser/ fast food lifestyle….

        The latter the meth amphetamine choice.


  3. He posted a video after the Lake Travis fiasco, saying that said he was one of the boaters on Lake Travis. It took me a minute or so to realize what he was doing. He was believable and subtle (well, blatantly subtle) enough that I’m sure most Magats believed he was for real.

  4. If I was ever writing parody of Trumpers and I suggested the line, “as for me, I’m going to keep on deep throating for Trump,” I’m pretty sure you would all tell me that was too unbelievable to use. He pulls it off.

    Secondly, can I hang a lantern on what Woodward did “wrong.” “How dare,you use the words of the president against him.” You mean report his exact words on tape? That’s not even an attack, that’s a quotation. Sheesh. And I don’t mean this guy…he might be mocking Trumpers, but that’s really,what they’re upset about.


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