Remember bobble head dolls on the dashboards of cars? Usually cars with velvet dice and red lights in the interior? And they were bought by the same people who thought that velvet paintings of Elvis and red lights in a living room were the ultimate in cool, so they extended this “taste” out into the garage? Paul Gosar is exactly like those dolls. The slightest vibration sent them either nodding or hula-ing and God forbid you went over a bump, the poor things would positively convulse and spasm.

Take a look at Congressman Gosar.

He knows the difference between censor and censure but obviously is choosing to keep the issue conflated and confused. That’s the minor point, though. We pretty much know what he’s going to say in interviews or on social media, he’s very predictable.

And equally predictable is his shaking and lurching around. It is a blessing to both him and anybody who might have consulted with him as a dentist that he’s no longer practicing in that field. He makes me sea sick just watching him and if he ever swayed into a consulting room and stood over me, shuddering, while I was prone in a dentist’s chair, I would get up and run screaming down the hall before I let him anywhere near my mouth with an instrument. My God, can you imagine?

But still he continues. Like the Energizer Bunny or the Timex watch, Gosar’s still going. Does the man have to totally collapse before somebody does something?

Gosar is a character out of low budget sci fi from the 50’s. He’s gotten progressively stranger and stranger, his family has tried to warn people about him but nobody listens, and soon there will be a climax to this drama. Usually the way these things go is that the climax is a) worse than anybody thought and b) makes everybody wish that they’d done something sooner.

So before Gosar nukes the House or his own state, or the whales, will somebody finally do something? The man is a mess.




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  1. His defenders say he’s fine? Sure. And my broken down old (and now fat) old body could still play college basketball, or lead a squad of jarhead infantrymen! In reality, my advanced age, medical conditions (including severe neuropathy in my lower extremities – I fall or have near falls where I catch myself before hitting the floor every day) make what I could do forty, or even not much more than 30 years ago impossible. “Goser” is as fucked up physically (Parkinson’s doesn’t necessarily affect cognitive functions – something else is fucking up his head) as he is mentally. Early onset dementia seems likely. But some of those clips of a few seconds of him lurching forward aiming for a wall or a chair remind me of me. Except my upper limbs work fine. And I still have reasonably good cognitive skills. Conservatives who seem to be showing up here might (and surely do) disagree with me but unlike so many of them and more importantly their elected goobers (including Trump) I can still spell, form complete sentences and can read and comprehend fairly dense subject matter including legal stuff even though I’m not a lawyer.

    “Goser really needs to retire. It’s not like another RWNJ wouldn’t be elected in his place. One would think even conservatives in his district are embarrassed by him. Of course, these self-professed tough guys are TERRIFIED Trump will say mean things about them and kill their chances if they were to primary one of his high profile loyal minions. Personally, I believe he won’t quit. He’ll run again, and again and won’t stop representing his district until he’s zipped up in a body bag.

  2. On another note – What is up with his wild head movements? I’m reminded of Michael J Fox. Does he have some physical issue, apart from the obvious diminished capacity?


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