Al Gore once said, “If the law is with you, argue the law. If the facts are with you, argue the facts. If neither are with you, holler.” That is exactly what Steve Bannon is doing and exactly why.

He’s got nothing going for him. The man has been indicted for stealing over $15 million from his Build The Wall hoax.

But he’s talking tough. Nothing like a guy in handcuffs talking tough. Reminds me of a Jimmy Cagney movie. Maybe somebody like Faye Wray can bring Bannon a file in a cake.

ABC News:

The six-count indictment charges Bannon and “We Build the Wall” itself with two counts of money laundering, which carries a maximum sentence of five to 15 years in prison. There are additional felony counts of conspiracy and scheme to defraud along with one misdemeanor count of conspiracy to defraud.

Bannon was released following his arraignment and is scheduled to return to court on Oct. 4.

“I’m going to stay and fight this,” he told reporters as he left the courthouse. “With this case, I’m begging you to remember the presumption of innocence.”

Earlier Thursday, as he arrived at the courthouse to surrender to authorities, he told reporters the charges were “all about 60 days to the election.”

“This is an irony, on the very day the mayor of this city has a delegation down on the border, they are persecuting people here who try to stop them on the border,” Bannon said, referring to a fact-finding delegation New York City Mayor Eric Adams has sent to Texas following the decision by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott to bus migrants to New York.

The state charges, brought by the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office, resemble federal charges for which Bannon received a pardon by Trump, and allege that Bannon and “We Build the Wall” defrauded 430 Manhattan-based donors out of $33,600. Across New York state, there were more than 11,000 donors defrauded out of more than $730,000, according to the indictment.

Here’s a bonus clip.

From Breitbart to the West Wing of the Trump misadministration and now on his way to prison. Unless he’s got a way to get to Belize and I would not put it past him. After all, he’s the smartest guy in the room, right? Let’s see what he does to outwit everybody. Nothing would surprise me. And then he can do his podcast from Belize as a political martyr in exile. I almost expect it to happen.

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    • If he made that statement in prison, he might just get his wish. Who would want to have to listen to that pustule on the a**crack of America for any length of time?

  1. Again, I hear the inimitable Tim Curry in The Three Musketeers with Bannon’s claim of having to kill him first: “That can be…arranged!” This is the impotent huffing of the barroom drunk right before he’s shoved in the cop car. Think he might be trying to pull what I think Mark Meadows did: belligerence in public, let’s make a deal in private.

  2. If it weren’t illegal I’d gladly oblige him. However, unlike how the Corps trained me to feel only my finger slowly squeezing the trigger I’d feel a righteous sense of justice flowing through my body and concentrating in the tip of that finger pulling the trigger. And I’d exult over the kill. I’d stand their and piss on his corpse. And if I had to take a dump I’d drop trou and do that too!

    But killing him would be murder and that’s illegal. Actually, I’m against the death penalty at all. While a part of me (I’m an old fart that’s been unable to shake certain things I was taught early on including that some people are so vile they deserve to be executed) would always fantasize that for a select few people including Bannon there should be an exception for someone like Bannon (and Trump too!) living out the rest of his useless, fucked-up life in prison wearing a scratchy orange jumpsuit and cheap cotton underwear, sleeping on a plastic covered mattress and pillow under a scratchy blanket or cheap, low thread-count cotton sheet and eating prison food, shitting on a stainless steel toilet with no rim in open view in his eight by ten foot cell and NO internet access is in many ways better! He would truly suffer. Even in protective custody where the odds of him getting beaten regularly by other inmates would be minimal. Basic medical and dental care. Oh, and only getting to wear ONE t-shirt and jumpsuit at a time! That would really chap his ass! The thought of all THAT makes me smile. The LONGER he would live in such conditions the more he would suffer, and it would please me to no end to see just that happen to Bannon.

    • I think you are just a tad too invested in this ‘person… Happy hunting though I guess, we will probably be reading about you in the near future…

  3. I wish someone (maybe his lawyer?) would put a gun to his head and ask him, “I’m sorry. What did you say again?”

    Watch Bannon shut his mouth in a “New York minute.”

    • Handing someone my LOADED PPKS
      Big mouth bannon has been nothing but bad news since he arrived with trump the chump or is it chimp? I dunno anymore! In any case bannon should have have been banished from the USA when he said he wanted to take it down!


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