Hello darkness, my old friendI’ve come to talk with you againBecause a vision softly creepingLeft its seeds while I was sleepingAnd the vision that was planted in my brainStill remainsWithin the sound of silence.

The Sound of Silence

Now, you might be under the impression that a near-immediate report of a sexual assault committed by the Chairman of CPAC, sexually assaulting a young man, would reverberate through the evangelical “conservative” Trump base. (Having a feel and breathing heavily on a young female aide would be ignored. Isn’t that why you have the little bunnies around? That would be SOP for CPAC-types, not all wokey.) The victim in this matter isn’t the type to have an agenda. The young man was working for Herschel Walker, after all. This isn’t a “he said, he said” thing. They are, or were, on the same team.

So CPAC and the evangelical right are imploding, right? Gnashing of teeth, people wanting Schlapp fired, all that. It’s not like there is a shortage of “Schlapp-like people in CPAC. Surely he’s gone by now…

Silence… the GOP hand in hand with darkness, they’re old friends, and now we hear the sound of silence regarding an assault of a young man. It took place in a car, and the staffer assigned to drive Schlapp back to his hotel. Schlapp put his hand on the aide’s leg and then moved right up to the intimate middle area. The aide was too shocked to say or do anything. Schlapp invited the aide up to his room. The aide said, “No.”

Perhaps, just perhaps, something might be done now that a recording of the young man describing the event – tearfully is out. Maybe it will sink in a bit that Matt Schlapp is gay (No big deal to us, who cares?) and is willing to force himself on others with a massive power imbalance (which we do care about). Maybe CPAC will go just a tiny bit “woke” and understand that Schlapp has to go, period.

Hear the sadness and terror in his voice? Maybe some in CPAC will also hear the voice of a real victim while thinking of their sons and daughters and remove Schlapp from his position. He is about to cost them $10 million if they don’t do something.
[email protected], @JasonMiciak, SUBSTACK: MUCH LEFT ADO

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  1. And the words of the prophets are written on the subway walls and tenement halls…two places Republicans never visit. Arrogant. Entitled. Are they all sexual predators?

  2. Another conservative ‘pube caught with his hands in some boy’s pants. Just one more example of another pervert joining ALL the others-hell why would it get any attention by these hypocrites. They molest children, practice furtive gay behavior, purchase abortions when it suits them, hell, what don’t they do? If this young person is only going after $10 M he’s a fool or needs a better lawyer.



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