Vladimir Putin Says “Trust No One”


The post mortem on the Helsinki Treason Summit will continue for days, but the low point was reached when the *resident of the United States insulted the country and previous leaders, and then claimed that now all was well. The base will be so happy with this talking point because Trump told them during the campaign, “I’m the only one who can do it.” New York Times:

That investigation, and “many years of U.S. foolishness and stupidity,” he wrote, are why the United States’ relationship with Russia “has NEVER been worse” — a bold claim, given that the history includes periods like the Cuban missile crisis, and the wars in Korea and Vietnam.

“Our relationship has never been worse than it is now. However, that changed as of about four hours ago. I really believe that.”

Then he exculpated Russia of all wrong doing.

Asked at the news conference if he held Russia at all responsible for conflict with the United States, Mr. Trump said: “Yes, I do, I hold both countries responsible. I think the United States has been foolish. I think we’ve all been foolish.”

But he did not cite a single specific thing Russia had done to contribute to tensions. And as he often does, Mr. Trump pivoted from the question that was asked to declaring his innocence of collusion with Russian election meddling, and boasting about his electoral victory.

“That was a clean campaign,” he said. “I beat Hillary Clinton easily and frankly we beat her. We won that race and it’s a shame that there can even be a little bit of a cloud over it. The main thing and we discussed this also: zero collusion.”

“There was no collusion,” he added. “I didn’t know the president. There was nobody to collude with.”

Vladimir Putin managed to keep a straight face through all this and basically he called it a liar’s contest.

Later, when Mr. Trump was asked whether he believed Mr. Putin over his own intelligence officials, he changed the subject again, reiterating his old grievance that law enforcement was not aggressive enough in pursuing what he says were misdeeds by Mrs. Clinton and her campaign.

When asked about the credibility of his denials, Mr. Putin said: “As to who is to be believed, as to who is not to be believed, you can trust no one. Where did you get this idea that President Trump trusts me or that I trust him? He defends the interests of the United States of America and I defend the interests of the Russian Federation. We do have interests in common and we are looking for points of contact.”

Trump believes that he is still a character in a reality TV show. That is how he has lived his entire life. He does not have enough of an intellect to grasp the complexity of what he is dealing with. He’s like a wayward child put in charge of a nuclear reactor. He doesn’t understand the mechanism, and catastrophe is sure to ensue.

“Nothing would be easier politically than to refuse to meet, to refuse to engage, but that would not accomplish anything,” he added. “As president, I cannot make decisions on foreign policy in a futile effort to appease partisan critics or the media, or Democrats who don’t want to do anything but resist and obstruct.”

He does not get that it’s not about pleasing one tribe or the other, it is actually about real negotiation, something he touts himself as an expert in. This is not a win/lose negotiation on a building. He is literally dealing with dynamite. “We have 90 percent of the nuclear, and that’s not a good thing, it’s a bad thing,” he said to reporters, after he deleted this tweet about them.

Trump is not in his right mind and his behavior at the Helsinki summit is indefensible.

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