Under the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture’s new food stamp program proposal up to a half a million children will no longer be automatically enrolled in School lunch programs, a fact that was disclosed to lawmakers in a phone call but left out of the formal announcement, in contravention of U.S. law.

NBC News

“WASHINGTON — The Trump administration determined that more than 500,000 children would no longer be automatically eligible for free school meals under a proposed overhaul to the food stamp program, but left that figure out of its formal proposal, according to House Democrats.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture wants to crack down on eligibility for food stamps, estimating that 3.1 million Americans would lose benefits under the proposed rule that the agency unveiled on Tuesday.

The proposal, however, did not include the USDA’s own estimate that more than 500,000 children would lose automatic eligibility for free school meals under the proposed change, according to Rep. Bobby Scott, D-Va., chair of the House Committee on Education and Labor.

Under current law, children whose families receive food stamps are automatically enrolled in a federal program that offers free breakfast and lunch at school. The two benefit programs are linked to reduce paperwork and help ensure that children receive all the food assistance they qualify for.”

You can read Rep. Scott’s letter here.

In the letter Scott points out that this information MUST be included,  per Executive Order 12866 – Regulatory Planning and Review, in the announcement to the public, which has 60 days to comment on the proposal.

Not only will parents have to now apply for the programs, creating a red tape nightmare for all involved, they might now have to pay 30 or 40 cents for each meal, money many on public assistance simply don’t have.

Trump’s Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue, who doesn’t look like he’s missed many meals, of course frames the proposal as a means to help those in need.

“That is why we are changing the rules, preventing abuse of a critical safety net system, so those who need food assistance the most are the only ones who receive it.”

And I suppose the USDA will make up the monies lost to Big AG by gutting the Food Stamp program by increasing their subsidies from the FedGuv.

Starve the kids while feeding the beast.

The perfect Republican proposal.

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  1. It never seems to end, and this IS another threat to people and their children who would lawfully be starved if this was made law by Congress, the infant in the WH should NEVER be allowed anywhere near a portfolio and signing pen … it is HIS most powerful weapon against our peace and comfort zones … watching his rubber face every time he holds up one of his signed disasters, it is almost always the face of an old guy in orgasm … his quick scan of all the clapping people around him is the most revolting thing he does … and them providing his needs as well … his cruelty is off the charts …


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