It’s not a happy weekend for Donald Trump. He’s been stumbling and bumbling on stage, not knowing where he is, and not being able to read the teleprompter or even the printed speech in front of him. Sheesh, the things these people expect. Then comes this dreadful piece of news. Judge Tanya Chutkan acknowledged that while Trump has the right to appeal her gag order, she is not pausing it while that appeal goes through the court system. Trumpty was NOT happy to hear that.

Poor Trumpty. Poor orange man. And he was on such a roll, too. He really let Mark Meadows know that guys named Vinnie and Rocco were coming to break his legs without telling him that guys named Vinnie and Rocco were coming to break his legs. And that wasn’t the only piece of witness tampering, either.

And that was a few days ago. Even today, Trump had to carry on about CRAZY! Judge Engoron and Peekaboo and Michael Cohen and that crowd. Those are the people that make Trumpty wake up sweating at 3:00 a.m., and he has to grab his phone fast and pound out insults with his thumbs to calm his heart rate down to something approximating normal (normal for a morbidly obese 77-year-old who eats French fries drowned in sugary ketchup, KFC and other fried foods like they were going out of style, that is.)

Now, this happened three hours ago, around the time that Judge Chutkan lifted the temporary stay. And yes, it is in a different case, but here’s the Catch-22: Judge Engoron aka “CRAZY!” also has issued a narrow gag order and Trump has violated it twice. This is the third time he’s violated it, so maybe the sanction will be $20,000 this time. I’m just speculating. Maybe it will be $20,000 and then $40,000 and then $80,000 and by the time it gets to $160,000 you would think Trump would start paying attention but maybe not.

No VICTIMS! I’M the only VICTIM! I’m a big Victim! I was victimized Bigly! Aaarrrghhhh!!!”

There’s only one thing to be done now, and Trump is doing it. Now he’s ragging on his political enemies because at least, thank God, they’re not associated with any of his legal cases.

Except — uh, oh, spaghettios, Bill Barr is scheduled to be a witness in the January 6 case going forward in March, so DAMN, he just violated the *%$#^ gag order AGAIN!

As to whether he did it after the Judge lifted the administrative stay or not, it’s difficult to ascertain. As the reporter said, Pacer is down. But what is easy to ascertain is that the spirit of the gag order(s) has not penetrated Trump’s thick skull. He’s still lashing out furiously and at at will. He can’t seem to control himself.

And Judge Engoron’s sanctions may not make Trump bat an eyelash. They’re too low. Whoppi Goldberg may have the right idea, sanction Trump $15 million instead of thousand, and that should get his attention.

Or, maybe a night in the luxurious accommodations of the House Of Many Doors would teach the man a lesson. It might be instructive to find out.

It would certainly be novel. We would get a legal answer to the query about whether the Secret Service would camp out in the cells next to him.

And again, I call your attention to the obvious: this is the best that the Republican party can find to put on their ticket in 2024. Fast forward to :31 where Trump mocks Biden and MAGA howls. This is where the GOP has taken America, ladies and gentleman.

We need to vote every phuquing one of them out.

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  1. He should be getting one night in the slammer for the first offense, then 2 nights, then 4, then 8…
    The ridiculous $5000, 10,000 is absurd – he didn’t care enough about the $5,000,000 he was assessed for E Jean Carroll to stay quiet for even 24 hours!

  2. Gave my ex 80k in equity signing over MY house paid on for 10years so she wouldn’t bolt with my young children. She cheated in a no fault state. Her attorney friends with the judge. Spent 25k on divorce, settling on child support. Judge later increased it threefold without cause. Wife was a professional making 45k/year…me about same in a salary depending on commission. Lost job…taken to jail IMMEDIATELY for contempt 2x in handcuffs and LEGIRONS!!! This system is so far from justice it’s laughable that they can talk justice without a hardy laugh. Right now tens of thousands are sitting in jail because they have no job. Meanwhile this career criminal, CLEARLY violating the law remains free! FACT!!!! She now owns two houses, one a beach house, while I live on social security and drive an old truck, owning NOTHING. Phucking fascist system.


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