Man, did a bunch of space ships show up one day and nobody told me? Where oh where are these “millions of aliens” coming from?

The answer is, the imagination of the GOP. No, they’re not trying to do Spielberg one better, more accurately they’re trying to take a page from Adolf Hitler’s playbook. If you have an Other upon which all woes can be blamed, you have the foundation for a fascist regime.

Ron DeSantis knows this. We saw his performative political theater earlier this week. And you will see more. Heeeeeeere’s Trumpty.

And here we go with “unhinged persecution” that Trump suffers. His staff is threatened and you know that the stuff in Barron’s room got trashed and Melania had to go buy new underwear because the FBI either stole/ruined what she had in the drawers. More of the same. All that can be said here, is let the psychological concept of projection be your yardstick for measuring Trump’s words.

Now it’s “thugs and tyrants and sleeping giants.” Sounds like a call to arms to me.

They really did play The Undertaker music at the rally. That is not snark edited in, that’s real.

Finally, a fantasy about the border wall and a call to destroy Mitch McConnell. SOP.

This is the gist of it tonight. If anything else noteworthy happens, we’ll post it here.



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  1. I’m sure you’re familiar with the old Twilight Zone episode “To Serve Man” (I think I’m one of the few people on the planet who read the Damon Knight short story first). In an updated scenario, how much pushback would we get if we gave the aliens all our MAGA? They wouldn’t even need to fatten them up first!

    • You are one of the few as I am. I read the story when I was probably 12 or 13 and, yes, give the Magas to the aliens labeled: Not for Human Consumption.

    • Humorous until you consider aliens able to come here for a visit would not be able to discern any difference between magats and non-magats. If they can cross interstellar space to reach us, they are very, very, far ahead of us technologically which would indicate they are more intelligent as well. It is a pretty safe bet we’d ALL be considered food to an alien species set upon gorging themselves on the bounty of our planet and given how many humans occupy this place we are that bounty.

      Looking back at our human history, we’d better hope any visiting aliens are very enlightened aliens–it has never gone well for aboriginals on our planet and humanity would be the aboriginals in this instance.

      • I treat such a premise the same way I do fears over AI: WAY too hung up on inner issues that anthropomorphize truly alien beings in frankly stupid ways. Never assume that because that’s what humans would do is what a totally different sentient being will do.

  2. I believe in the basic principles of the 1st Amendment but there ought to be a law against speaking in this manner. As in, you can say what you want so long as it is honest and truthful. This would, by definition, exclude virtually every word out of Trump’s mouth.

    And I’ll call it like it is- if these “invaders” were from white, Anglo-Saxon countries they would be welcomed. Trump is a fucking racist, going back to his days in NYC when it took a court order for him to rent to black tenants. Look it up.

  3. Yeah. Millions? Must be the same imaginary ” tens of thousands of Muslims cheering” when the towers fell September 2001. Another day. Another lie. Right red? Watch all the September 11 tributes. Where were all those Muslims hiding pantrywaste? Man you guys are stooopid!!!!

  4. Immigration controls were almost non-existent before the big immigration from eastern and southern Europe, and from China and Japan. It was about people who aren’t WASPs.


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