Last night in Iowa, Traitor Tot went so far as dipping all 5 toes into the 2024 waters, but stopped just short of flexing his knees and diving in. For oh, so many good reasons.

For starters, pretty much every GOP candidate or incumbent, is desperate for Trump to keep his big, fat mouth shut until at least next Wednesday. That goes for moderates as well as the MAGA base, because they know the risk of giving the Democrats and the media so much as a single day to pound the message that a GOP 2022 victory would make Trump the shadow Speaker of the House, in order to manipulate the House for his 2024 run. As Nancy Reagan used to opine, Just say no!

That’s a pretty damn good reason, But the real, subliminal reason the GOP is so shy about His Lowness sticking his fingers in is empirical evidence, rooted in history. And we’ll take a quick tour now.

Pretty much from the time Trump farted his way down that schlock rattletrap escalator in 2015, he was the Rodney Dangerfield of politics. And unlike Rodney, Trump deserved no respect. But by the time the primaries were over with, Hair Twitler had his very own Nazi party. And in November, when he Got by with a little help from his friends in Moscow, the joke wasn’t funny anymore.

On January 21st, 2017, the largest global protest of all time took place. And it was aimed at one man, Donald John Trump. And piled on top of his piss poor inauguration attendance, it put about 300 million needle pricks in his oh so sensitive ego. And Trump did what he does whenever his fragile ego is punctured, he went on the attack.

In Trump’s mind, he was the Kingmaker of the GOP, and 2018 was the perfect tie to flex his Kingmaker muscles. In 2018 Trump threw out House and Senate endorsements like a drunken sailor in Singapore on shore leave. He also invented mystery caravans of migrants, and did everything but pencil his name on the ballot. And the Democrats flipped 40 seats in the House, gave Nancy Pelosi the gavel, and made 2 impeachments possible.

2020 was a different story. Because Trump himself was on the ballot, so he threw all of his attention and time into his own campaign. And the 2020 results were nothing if not enlightening. Nationwide Trump got his pasty ass kicked by some 7 million votes, but left alone, down ballot, more moderate GOP House candidates clawed back almost everything they lost in 2017, although the loss of the Senate made Trump’s humiliation complete.

Seeing the pattern here? When Trump sticks his fingers in, disaster ensues. And in 2020, Trump doesn’t have enough fingers to stick. He has endorsed a whole slate of candidates, House as well as Senate, and some of his picks were for revenge, which is the worst reason to make a political decision. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell roke silence months ago to say that candidate quality was a likely reason that the GOP probably wouldn’t retake the Senate in November. And a rash of his hand picked Trombies won in low turnout primaries against more moderate GOP incumbents who were there for a reason. The voters liked them! Whether Trumpenstein admits it or not, his Kingmaker chops are on the line on Tuesday.

And Trump desperately needs to come through with colors flying. Because while he is still the power in the Trump GOP, he is no longer omnipotent. Straw polls in state GOP conventions, as well as far right circle jerks like CPAC show that, while most GOP voters want Trump to have a power position in the GOP, in head to head matchups, he’s in a dogfight with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. And GOP popularity polls show that while GOP voters largely still support Trump, when it comes to 2024? They’d rather see a Trump without the Trump baggage.

This is something to keep an eye on on Tuesday night. If the GOP flips 25-30 seats in the House, and Trombies rock-and-roll, and shitheels like Oz, Vance, and Walker retake the Senate, then Trump is guaranteed to run again in 2024. But if the Democrats actually hold the Senate, and maybe pick up a seat or two, and can keep the House to +/5-10 seats, especially if Trump acolytes take a header, then Trump is in trouble. After all, what kind of a Kingmaker can’t even get his anointed ones elected? We’ll know in 5 days.

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  1. TFG is no kingmaker, never has been. He campaigned for Matt Bevin (R Gov KY), who promptly lost to Andy Beshear. Same thing happened in Louisiana. If one of his endorsees happens to win, it will have nothing to do with him. He can get them thru a primary, but the general is where people decide they don’t want the crazy. Even the crazy MAGAs that like him usually don’t care for his candidates. I think we are going to be pleasantly surprised, especially given the MSM insistence there is at least a red tide, if not wave. By Weds morning, we should have a fairly good idea of how things are shaking out, even tho some states will take a week or so to count all their ballots.

  2. Well the decision on trump and running. I know the moron thinks if he gets elected it will block prosecution but I seriously doubt that. And I’m leaning with Cohen and him saying that right now trump is getting millions off the dumbasses sending their life savings to him. If he announces that will cut that off. He has to figure out how to get around that. Now I’m wondering about him suddenly getting sick couple months short of the election. Just getting close and bailing on a mysterious health issue. Would he be able to pick back up with his super pac and get back to getting money in the mail. A go fund me I’m sick and headed to prison. Whoops sorry got carried away.


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