Don’t watch this while eating the Easter ham or you’ll choke on it. Likewise, you might snort a jelly bean or two. This is so spot on. We have here a MAGA dumb ass character named Becky Sue and she might struggle a bit with polysyllabic words but she’s got the right spirit. She knows there’s a whole lot of *amen ments* here, and yes, this is the Trump Bible, so do not expect things to be normal. You thought Donald Trump made a complete hash of a system of government that’s 240 some years old? Well, wait’ll you see what he does with a piece of classic literature, not to mention spiritual and religious lodestone, which is 5,000 years old. I’m afraid that ETTD might apply to the Good Book as well. 911 to God, we need all the help we can get down here with this lunatic who knows no bounds.

What’s that you say? Wasn’t Trump cleaning up on the golden sneakers, why does he need the Bible? Well, um….because grifting is his true religion? Plus he owes his lawyers?

Trump is spending a good chunk of his donations on his legal bills. The Times ran an amazing report about this on Wednesday. Of nearly $85 million in donations, almost a third, $27 million, has gone to legal bills. Hey, at least this time around, he’s apparently actually paying them.

Trump will have money. There’s no use pretending he won’t. But $400 sneakers and $60 Bibles are not signs of strength. They’re signs of weakness. Panic. Desperation. A guy who’ll sell anything that isn’t nailed to the floor.

And: He damn well should be panicked. Liberals and Democrats always impute to Republicans and right-wingers a strength they neither have nor deserve. Just because Trump tries to act like a tough guy and appeals to tough guys, liberals tend to concede he’s a tough guy. Nonsense. He’s a very weak and insecure man, as Mary Trump is always pointing out.

Physically, he’s horribly out of shape: probably couldn’t climb a 20-step flight of stairs without stopping halfway up and, Rambo iconography notwithstanding, couldn’t throw a punch that would crush a grape. A few months ago, I saw a photo of Biden biking around Rehoboth Beach, and it struck me: Has Trump even ever been on a bicycle in his life? I’d be shocked. Biden may be older, but really, who’s the more likely stroke victim here, the guy who still rides the occasional bike or the guy who eats well-done steaks and whose four major food groups are McDonald’s, KFC, pizza, and Diet Coke?

Psychically, he’s in far, far worse shape. He knows very well in some corner of his brain that he’s guilty of everything he’s accused of. He knows that if he doesn’t win the presidency, there’s a very serious chance that he ends up convicted of one of those crimes and in prison. It won’t be Angola Penitentiary, but there won’t be chandeliers in the bathroom or an 18-hole golf course for him to win phony championships on, either.

He would never admit any of this publicly, but privately Trump is surely terrified of this possible future. He knows that if he loses, the cases go forward, and he’s going to have to fight them as long as he possibly can, and it’s going to cost untold millions. Hence the sneakers and the Bible. And there’s surely more in store.

Some people will buy these things, there’s no question of that. But I’ll bet you that if we look hard six months from now, we’ll see that sales did not meet expectations. Of course, we’ll never know that because Trump will have full control of that narrative, and he’ll insist that sales were off the charts, and the press will print it. But we’ve seen this movie and heard this b.s. Trump Steaks were moving faster than they could cut them. Trump University was making millionaires out of many, many people. Right.

So let’s avert our gaze from the people who’d walk across hot coals for Donald Trump (while he stood off to the side, pleading bone spurs) and think instead about the ones who are slowly peeling off. They’re out there too. And they’re starting to see what you and I have so obviously seen for years: a twisted, desperate huckster who’s never cracked a Bible in his life and whose only religion is hustling the suckers who are born every minute.

That is Trump’s true religion. And that’s why the faux Xian prosperity consciousness grifters, like Kenneth Copeland and Robert Jeffress love him. Pat Robertson also saw a kindred soul in Trump. You may be sure that Jim Bakker thinks the world and the stars of him. They’re all birds of the same feather. They exploit the gullible and convince them to part with their earnings, while they fly around in fleets of jets and live in tax free mansions. It’s going to be hard for Trump to bottom his Bible grift, but I have complete faith that he will do it.
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  1. “The Times ran an amazing report about this on Wednesday. Of nearly $85 million in donations, almost a third, $27 million, has gone to legal bills. Hey, at least this time around, he’s apparently actually paying them.”

    If I were E Jean Carroll, I’d be paying my attorney a visit and seeking to enjoin EVERY SINGLE DIME that Trump is getting via “donations” and all the rest of his grifting until he pays up everything he owes me.

  2. Brilliant satire…the scary part is there are millions of bottom feeders who would see this…give out a rebel yell and scream HELL YES!

  3. Traitor Tot is so tough that crippled old man that I am, It would take me less than a minute to have him laying (lying too) on the floor wondering where his teeth went! He has to use both hands to drink from a small glass, and needs someone to support him to walk down a ramp without falling.

  4. You know, everyone seems to think trump “acts like some sort of tough guy” when in fact he acts like some kind of moron. What he does isn’t tough, manly, brave, or in any way admirable in the broadest definitions of those words. He acts in a manner that demonstrates to the world exactly what he is-a cowardly bully knowing, or at least thinking, he is untouchable. Thing is, he isn’t untouchable which just underscores just how big a moron he is.

    To the people out there who think he is so tough I say to you all “you’re all nucking futs and it would not surprise me if you have trouble tying your own shoes which is why you wear strap-ons from walmart”.

    • When I was in the joint…the toughest guys NEVER ran their mouth…they didn’t have to. Everyone knew not to phuck with them. It was always the scared punks who talked the loudest. I don’t have to reveal what eventually happened to them. Just remember bullies are cowards at heart. When has Trump ever had to personally fight his own battles? Never. He wouldn’t last through lunch in general population in a real prison…maybe not even breakfast. Fact.


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