This is hilarious. The old Lindsey Graham, the one who had a mind and a spine, used to say things that were true, like what a fine man Joe Biden is as opposed to what a bum Donald Trump is. I don’t know what happened to that version of Graham, but at least we can hear him talking to us from the past. And it is a blast. Trump will go out of his ever lovin’ mind when he sees this. No more golf dates, Lindsey, sorry.

And don’t forget, Graham was BFFs with John McCain for many years and Joe Biden and John McCain were friends. This makes sense. I don’t know why Graham decided to turn coat, but he’s got to regret it once he sees this.

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      • We got your meaning. You know, if Trump did do that and if Graham just owns up to it now, that might be the best thing for everybody. Graham has no reason to feel ashamed if he is in fact gay. Maybe he needs this level of dramatic circumstance to understand that.

          • Well, you might think so but, let’s not forget that most South Carolinians (Caroliners?) already “know” about Graham and have chosen to ignore it. And, let’s face it: He’s running this year against a Black Democrat.

            And, SC is a really tough state to call. Back in 2014, Graham was considered “vulnerable” due to the Tea Party and he even expected to face competition in the Primary but still managed to win the primary over 6 opponents (he got 54% while the 2nd place guy got a mere 15%). And, just two weeks before the general election, he was only polling at 43%–a 15-point lead over the Democratic candidate–and still wound up winning the election with 54% of the vote (a 15-point margin over his Democratic rival).

            But, the real bottom line for SC’s GOP voters is this: Has Graham delivered for them and backed GOP policies? They’d be willing to support a gay guy who fights the “gay agenda” (just like they’ll vote for a Black guy who fights the “Black agenda” or a woman who fights the “feminist agenda”).

    • Ever since Lindsey Graham drank the kool aide I have been shocked. I hope to hell he wakes up. Maybe this will be his wake up call.

        • Agreed absolutely. There’s no retreat from his betrayal of all ethics & integrity. He sold out himself & his “friends”, there’s no saying Sorry for that.

  1. OH YEAH… TY to … Those of us DEMS who thought Lindseay kinda got it right sometimes .. NOW SEE how much he resembles TRUMP and his #PicksDisease.
    Does he have it too. How about MILLEY? and his CRAZED walk with #BunkerBoy Donald in UNIFORM?


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