One of the problems with normalizing the abnormal and defending the indefensible is that in short order you reach a point of outrage from which there is no turning back. Donald Trump is a toxic influence on this culture. We have seen this demonstrated over and over again since he descended on his escalator in 2015 and America began going down with him, level after level into cultural sub-basements that we didn’t even know existed before he showed them to us. Now it’s quite normal to see a presidential candidate mock the handicapped or the transgender, say cutting things about women or to their faces, and propose all kinds of deranged social engineering plans. One such plan of Trump’s is that he intends to do mass deportations. And deportations require detention or concentration camps.

I can answer that. It’s because they’re not different. If we’re talking about the Japanese-Americans who were interred during WWII or the Jews, it’s basically the same premise. Although the Japanese-Americans were not subsequently experimented on and tortured or gassed to death.  Hit this link to see a longer video, which involves Trump talking about “local authorities” who allegedly possess the “serial numbers” of the “criminals” that Trump is planning to deport. “We know who they are.” So hey, maybe your name or mine is on the list.

The serial numbers crack I find very alarming. I can see Stephen Miller drooling in ecstacy as he proceeds to tattoo a serial number on somebody’s arm. That is his character in a nutshell. The minute he does that, or directs somebody else to do that, Miller will have fulfilled his ultimate destiny this planet.

Mark well the words of Lev Parnas. And if you have not yet seen From Russia With Lev, it is a must-see. It will be aired again tonight on MSNBC. Or, you can go to the NBC/MSNBC website and register and be able to view it. I may view it a second time. There is so much material to absorb, so many damning details, that it is well worth the investment of time.

This is some sober material here. We have a convicted felon, adjudicated rapist, who is talking about serial numbers and concentration camps. And we have a whistleblower from his first administration, a man who served time for the legal mess he got himself into when he was in the thrall of the MAGA cult, giving us an informed, insider opinion on how this next time will be worse. How weird does this have to get? Yet we are told that a basic horserace election is taking place in less than six weeks, despite all this information being readily available to the public.

See From Russia With Lev. And make sure you’re registered. Encourage everybody you know to see the documentary and make sure that they’re registered as well. This is war. We need to win this election to preserve our way of life.

Or, we can just hand our government to some lunatic, just as the Republican party handed the check protector, the bank accounts, the passwords, the emails, the data base, and the entire party apparatus to the Trump family, without so much as one “nay” vote.

Let’s not go like sheep to the slaughter. Let’s stand up and fight.


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  1. Serial numbers…hmmm..who has these serial numbers? Is there a list we can see? Do women and children have them on them, or just the rapists, insane, criminals, etc.? Or are they planning to tattoo all the people they round up, legally here or not, and tattoo them so they cannot return? I would like specifics.

  2. A young woman and her two children…! Just the sound of it is horrific and I instantly flashed on “Sophie’s Choice!” OK, lady, you think both your children are US citizens because they were born here! Well, we threw out the Constitution so tough for you! Now, we still need some kids to slave in the fields, so we’ll take one of your new illegals from your arms and you can keep the other one to die in whatever country we ship you to and the two of you can die together there! Which kid goes where? Hurry up, bitch! We have other vermin to deal with today!! I am not kidding or snarking! There are people around Trump who would rub their paws in glee to do such a thing!!

  3. The serial number thing haunts me. I met a handful of survivors during the course of my life and seeing those faded, crude tattoos seared my consciousness in a way I will never be able to put into words. MILLER, Stephen f**king Miller had ancestors who bore those tattoos! I look at pictures of him, those dead black eyes and I see a shark in human form. One sees him and what he has wrought and has to wonder if Mengele somehow left enough behind to fashion creation of a hybrid species creature that we now know as Stephen Miller.


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