If you want to listen live to the SCOTUS hearings on the 14th Amendment issue as it was brought to the Supreme Court by a Colorado ruling that inciting the January 6 Insurrection disqualified Donald Trump from being on the 2024 ballot, you can do so here.

Here’s another link to a radio show that Trump appeared on Thursday morning. The brief upshot of that is that Trump either hasn’t a clue of what the proceedings are about or he has decided to play dumb. And he’s not a man who needs to play dumb, he is dumb. But what’s intriguing about his radio interview are two things:

1. First of all, he sounds foggy and fuzzy as hell, like he hasn’t had a lot of sleep. I don’t know what time the radio interview was done, but it’s late morning on the east coast at the time of writing this piece. That said, this is a man who used to roll into the Oval Office at 11:30 a.m., hang out for an hour and then go to lunch.

2. He doesn’t address the issue that the court is addressing when the radio host asks him about it. He immediately segues into a campaign speech about how he’s leading in the polls. It makes me wonder what would happen if he had a medical, as opposed to a legal, emergency. If a doctor was asking him, “What have you eaten in the last 48 hours? When did you sleep last? What medications have you taken today?” would be answer the questions posed or would he say, “I’m leading in all the polls and so I should be the healthiest guy on the planet?”

It’s amazing that a stick, stone stupid person like Trump is where he is in the political scheme of things in this country. But it does make a certain kind of sense: You take a broke opportunist, a grifter looking for the next grift, and a terminally ill, out of touch political party. Put them together and you have a marriage made in Hell. And we, the citizens of America, suffered from the result of that dysfunctional union for four interminable years and the dying party wants to foist off their monster on us once again.

Trump is the face of the GOP. The face of the GOP’s death.

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  1. It’s SO DIFFICULT to imagine …

    Trump has excised his finger nail grip on ANY big money donors, the only supporters are a mob of users that happen to be the lowest class of Republicans that should ALL spend some serious quiet time behind bars … The others are a group of sign-holders he pays to appear at his stupid rants … They probably are NOT registered voters or party members …

    Trump IS consistent at least, it’s all about him, even when the hammers are dangerously close to delivering him the final blow … He seems to be floating on his dream-world ideas being factual and takes solace in ignoring the firestorm of facts that are brought out in the light of day from that cabinet of horrors he hides behind his thick skull … It was OK to play with those 15-16-17 year-old girls at that party with his good buddy Epstein … ?

    His mind is totally running on fumes, not only does he wear diapers, his speech is limited to his original deeply embedded rhetoric, so if someone said to him in an interview, “How does that work, now that you are indicted, convicted and charged as guilty to rape and disrespect to a female victim of yours?” …

    He probably could not hold that glass of water firmly enough to get much water out …

    It is truly shameful that he is allowed to suggest ANYTHING for the Congress in OUR HOUSE, they just want him back so he can order things done for him AND THEM …

    These scum of the Earth supporting Republicans, can’t see obviously, they are signing their own pink slips for the end game of the GOP … Trump in prison, with very little visitor’s privilege’s will turn into that large stain on our Country … The prison life he SO is frightened by will swallow him whole and may finish him off without anyone to tell him how good he feels he is …

    MORE popcorn, (with REAL BUTTER), will make our next wave much more enjoyable …



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