If you need a definition of a one-trick pony, study how Donald Trump goes about futilely trying to reconstruct the 2016 election fluke and that should give you everything you need to know. Also, the behavior of the GOP would fit under that same term, one-trick pony, same rationale. They both keep doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. If you’ve been following politics at least since 2016, you’ve seen a number of anomalies, first and foremost how somebody can say, “Grab ’em by the pussy,” and still remain on the top of a major party’s ticket — let alone go on to win that year.

Hence was born the term “Teflon Don” because if that didn’t stick to him and sink him, what could and would? A number of things, it turns out. There are a number of exact same mistakes that Trump and the GOP keep making over and over again and which have caused them to lose consistently, in 2018, 2020, and 2022 — and the Georgia special elections, let’s not forget those. And there are a few things that Trump and the GOP both desperately need to do in order to reverse this losing streak, but that’s not happening either. So it is with good reason that Trumpty Dumpty is out on the ledge yet once again this Saturday before Xmas weekend, attacking the world and his phone keypad with his stumpy fat thumbs and demanding that this time, things be different. Or, else.

He’s up and running, that’s for certain. And then he explained himself a little, but not much, before he launched into the all-caps shrieking on Truth Social that you just saw. And by the by, not all of Trump’s meltdowns get translated over to his Twitter feed of reposts from Truth Social. I have patiently been waiting for the past hour to see this stuff transfer over and it hasn’t, so I’m going to assume it’s not going to be. Evidently, whomever handles the Trump Twitter account is making editorial decisions about what Trump posts that should simply be left on the smaller site, Truth Social.

The key to what is going on here is the last screamed sentence THIS IS ALREADY ON ITS WAY TO BEING ANOTHER RIGGED ELECTION! which is Trump-speak for “OMG! I’M GONNA LOSE AGAIN!!!”

Here is very simply the lay of the land: Yes, we hear that Joe Biden is old and guess what? He’s not getting any younger, either. We also hear dire predictions about how the Democrats are losing traction with Black and Latino voters. The dark arts of polling have never been murkier. Let’s just say that it’s a safe bet that if you take any and all polls with a grain of salt, you will probably keep your blood pressure at safe levels, which is always a good idea.

But counter those grim thoughts about the Democrats losing ground with traditional support groups with the fact that Trump takes credit for the overturning of Roe v. Wade, due to his stacking of the Supreme Court and if there is a single issue which Joe Biden has solidly locked in, in his favor, that’s the issue. And that’s a solid voting bloc right there. Are you feeling calmer, already? Breathing easier? Good. Then let’s look at more reasons why Trumpty Dumpty is out on the ledge this lovely clear December eve. The Atlantic:

In the 2016 campaign, Trump’s attacks on Senator John McCain and on the Gold Star Khan family were bad enough. Now we have a litany of testimonies that he expressed contempt and disgust for wounded veterans—demanding that he not be seen in public with them—and that he debased fallen soldiers, describing them as “suckers” and marveling, “What was in it for them?” According to an Atlantic report, when he was scheduled to visit a World War I–era American cemetery in France in 2018, Trump complained, “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” Trump has always posed as a patriot, but he has proved himself unpatriotic, anti-military, and ignorant of the meaning of sacrifice.

Trump’s disrespect to General Mark Milley, his crazy talk about having the general “executed” coming on the heels of all that he said and did both in 2016 and in his four years in office, are not making Trump any points. This has undoubtedly been explained to him.

Similarly, in 2016, Trump’s campaign was briefly rocked by the Access Hollywood videotape in which he boasted about grabbing women by the genitalia. He survived, in large part because many voters chose to accept his comments as “locker room” bluster. Several women accused him of sexual misconduct, but Trump fended off their allegations too. Now he has been held civilly liable by a New York jury for sexually abusing the advice columnist E. Jean Carroll in 1996. A federal judge has said that the jury concluded that what Trump did to Carroll was rape in the common sense of the term. Some Americans will shrug that off, but many won’t be able to.

Trump hopes that his legal troubles will prove a boon to his campaign, allowing him to paint both law enforcement and the judicial system as part of a massive conspiracy against him. He has even requested that his federal trial regarding efforts to overturn the 2020-election results be televised. That’s unlikely, but the more airtime these prosecutions get, the better. Among Republicans, Trump’s polling has improved since his indictments, but many other Americans simply won’t be impressed, inspired, or persuaded by someone who faces 91 felony counts, in addition to civil cases. Trump already has been found liable for fraud and sexual abuse in New York. To that may well be added a criminal conviction at the federal level. Even if none of the trials has concluded by next fall, much of the evidence that prosecutors have accumulated is already in the public record and will be powerful fodder for anti-Trump attack ads. And Democrats will benefit from the attention Trump draws to the election-subversion cases. Even many of Trump’s most ardent supporters are tired of relitigating 2020; voters would prefer to focus on the future, not the past.

This is not to be taken lightly. Trump loves to boast about how his poll numbers spike upward after each indictment, and every court appearance. Among his hard core supporters, perhaps. But not among the people that he desperately needs to win back and win back now, namely suburban voters and Independents. He is dead with them and he’s doing nothing to appeal to them. And time is moving on. Trump will very likely have the GOP nomination officially conferred on him by Super Tuesday, March 5, and so he has no time left to waste.

Presidential elections are usually decided by a relatively small group of swing voters in six or seven swing states. The most important are independent voters and suburban voters, two groups that appear to have turned away from Trump since 2016. He hasn’t done anything to win them back since 2020, instead running in recent months on a platform that’s more radical, extreme, and openly authoritarian than ever (except on the issue of abortion, where he is less extreme than his Republican-primary competitors). With Trump promising vengeance, retribution, and dictatorship, at least on “day one,” as he recently told Sean Hannity, will these swing voters be wooed back into his camp? Are Americans so fed up that they will want to elect someone who has advocated for the “termination” of the Constitution in order to keep himself in power?

He wants to terminate the Constitution and be Dictator For A Day. That is not likely to win him back the support that he needs to win back, it’s likely to alienate people even further. And yes, Joe Biden may not have the approval ratings that he would have legitimately earned in a less polarized and crazed political climate than the one that we currently find ourselves dwelling in. But that doesn’t detract from the fact that Biden has a solid track record in office so far, whereas Trump has lies about how great his four years were, and cruel fantasies about revenge and retribution to offer in a future reign. That’s not the draw that Trump would hope for.

It’s stating the obvious, that Trump is rocking out tonight, yet again, exploding on Truth Social and even the handlers of his Twitter account are choosing to keep it low key. There’s a reason for it. There’s always a reason when he explodes. And the fact that he’s worried about what a strained Rudy Giuliani, now with his back up against the wall and partially through the plaster after a humiliating $148 million judgment might do in Georgia in order to save himself, is also something that’s come up. I daresay that that’s a discussion that has taken place in Trump’s inner circle or will happen shortly.

Trump’s all gaga now, because he’s going to trounce the other contenders to the GOP throne and be on the ticket once again. So he can enjoy his moment of glory there and the coronation in the summer of 2024. But unless and until he does some massive retooling of his Get Out The Vote assembly line, which is highly unlikely, he’s headed for another loss in November, 2024, on these facts.

And that, friends, is what the THIS IS ALREADY ON ITS WAY TO BEING ANOTHER RIGGED ELECTION! cry into the darkness is all about.

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  1. I doubt if he could ever understand is that the reason all the court cases are going to be running right through his campaign is that the idiot kept delaying them with stupid ‘appeals’ that got nowhere.

  2. I’m curious, WHO wrote the lower case version of his last blast?

    Big words creped in and were actually, not words he would know, spell correctly, or use at anytime …

    Check out the word, right after “non-“, “meritorious”, what the hell would he possibly be doing to use that statement? Knowing his usual word salad confusion, he might have said, non-melatonin”, or some other bizarre word crunching …

    This non-human freak of nature cannot read, much less put together a thought-provoking statement that makes people think of him as any thing more than the bloated liar he shows us ALL the time … LOUD, mealy-mouthed barker at the county fair midway …

  3. He only has one tool in his belt. If you recall, he was screaming “rigged” in 2016 as well.
    The joke was on him (and us), that thanks to our rigged Electoral College, he was able to squeak past Hillary despite losing the popular vote.


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