As I said earlier this morning, monitoring social media is like supervising the patients in a mental hospital. And now we come to our star patient, the one that psychiatrists and lay people alike are trying to figure out, Donald Trump.

Trumpty Dumpty is not happy at all that the weekend was filled with news of his advocating suspension of the constitution. He says he never said that — even though it’s down in black and white and that’s exactly what he said.

How he thinks he can be restored to an office he was voted out of, and not have that act be an abrogation of the constitution or an institution of a new form of government, is beyond everybody. But that’s what he thinks and here’s his latest rant.

Same drivel, different day.

Then he starts screaming.

And after half an hour or so he came back and screamed again.

WAAAAHHHH!! ARGGHHHH!! (sound effects of ketchup bottles smashing)

It’s almost 2023. Joe Biden will begin the third year of his term in a few weeks. And Trump is clearly saying, “there should be no time limit for change.” You see the words. That means that Biden will probably be out campaigning for a second term and Trump will still be shrieking that we’re supposed to redo the 2020 election.

He can’t get beyond it. He’s locked into this one life event and there’s no moving forward.

Maybe we should put an amendment in the constitution that people running for the office of president be of sound mind. That is the message that is coming through loud and clear as 2024 ramps up. Trump is mentally ill but the GOP won’t cut bait. Amazing.

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  1. But not just for those running for president include all candidates running for Congress too. That could eliminate several from my state of AZ. Like Kari Lake, Andy Biggs, and Paul Gosar.

    • How about for ALL federal and state elected and appointed positions!? And not just having to pass a comprehensive mental health exam but also a comprehensive physical exam as well!! Both exams to be performed by a bipartisan panel of qualified physicians and psychiatrists!

      This would eliminate 95% of the republiQanons that are causing so many problems.

      • I think having them pass a basic civics/ American history test will get rid of the lot of them. Like…have the take the test that those applying for American citizenship take.

  2. ARGGHHHH!! is the sound mentally healthy people make everytime Trump opens his mouth! The “blatant truth” is still, after more than 2 years, as verified by Repub officials, Repub Judges and most Americans, that there was no blantant fraud (except for the blatant fraud attempted by the Head MAGAt and his minions for the last 2 years.

  3. jeebus tap-dancing christ mango man, if you don’t want your words used against you, don’t say them, don’t tweet them, don’t let them out of the tiny head of yours.

    • It is hard to argue with the statement’

      ‘We want people who have legitimately won the election to lead our country, not people who have to cheat in order to win! ‘

      And some people say Americans don’t understand irony.

  4. Denying he said something that he WROTE AND PUT ONLINE.
    He may not be mentally in in the technical sense, but he needs to be locked up for his own protection.

  5. If (God forbid) he became president again, wouldn’t he have to have a security clearance? I doubt he would qualify for one at this point. I don’t think that people who have stolen secret documents would be able to get a security clearance. Maybe a requirement for running for president should be the ability to acquire a security clearance.

    • no, in fact, the President does not get a security clearance. It’s a bizarre weakness in our system. The President is the ultimate source of security clearances, though they are delegated to various agencies.

  6. perform if by chance he makes it to the 2024 Republican convention, they wouldn’t place his name in nomination? If he is not the nominee, his feeble headed followers will perform another, worse, insurrection. I wouldn’t bet no.

  7. Trump is old news ….he was not and still is not qualified to hold to hold office. His father sent him off to college to get rid of him, and all but one professor said he never came to any of their classes , the one that did say he came to his class one time for about 15 min. and never saw him again. I think anyone running for President should have to take an IQ test .


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