Here we go again. The medication must be wearing off, or maybe one of Donald Trump’s accountants stopped by to tell him how dim and grim his finances are. In any event, Trump saw fit to get on Truth Social and start screaming in all-caps. Maybe he’ll go on through the night in another meltdown. You never know. Here’s what he reposted as if it was brand new information Wednesday afternoon.

Now what you just saw was HANDLED back in 2020 — and my screaming caps are for Trump, not for you. I don’t know why he keeps wanting to adjudicate all this. The guy on the right is his election lawyer and this was all thrown out of court.

In the clip Trump shared, Lankford lists the findings of Trump campaign attorney Jesse Binnall, whose lawsuit and allegations of voter fraud in Nevada in 2020 were thrown out by a judge as without merit.

“Forty-two thousand people in Nevada voted more than once according to your work on this, 42,000; 1,500 voted in Nevada that were dead and though they didn’t live in Nevada,” Lankford says in the clip that Trump cites as evidence of the need to prosecute election workers in Nevada.

Of course, the issue with Trump’s statement is that the data cited by Lankford has been roundly debunked in a court of law.

Trump has made this claim before, sharing a Washington Examiner article in December of 2020 on Facebook and writing, “Nevada ‘fraud’: 1,500 ‘dead’ voters, 42,248 voted ‘multiple times,’ RV camps as ‘homes.’”

USA Today and other outlets have since fact-checked the claims and declared them “False.” USA Today’s McKenzie Sadeghi wrote in February 2021:

The claim that Nevada’s 2020 presidential election included cases of duplicate voting, dead voters, fake addresses and noncitizens voting is FALSE, based on our research. The claims in the post are based on a failed lawsuit where a district court found that no illegal votes were cast and counted or that any legal votes were not counted. Biden won Nevada’s six electoral votes and those results were finalized by Congress.

Despite first making the false claims well over three years ago, Trump continues to repeat them as the 2024 election cycle ramps up.

I share this here because this is what you’re going to see more of. Trump is not playing with a full deck. He told the stolen election lie so many times he believes it. We go into 2024 with two older men running and as the Bulwark points out, one of them is aging, the other is losing his mind.

The fact is that neither Biden nor Trump have managed to avoid the encroachments of age. But they are not equally or similarly afflicted. Biden, a recovering stutterer, has always tended to get a bit tongue-tied. Trump, an idiot in the truest sense of the word, has always been known to say startlingly stupid things. But there are clear signs that Trump is far more cognitively impaired than Biden, and getting worse.

“The diagnostic signs are not subtle,” John Gartner, a noted clinical psychologist and one of the contributors to the bestselling book The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump, recently told Salon. “Trump is evidencing formal thought disorder, where his basic ability to use language is breaking down.” Gartner has called the cognitive journey of Biden and Trump “a tale of two brains. Biden’s brain is aging. Trump’s brain is dementing.”1

Paul Quirk, a politics professor at the University of British Columbia, assessed the cognitive functioning of the two major candidates for president and concluded that while they both showed signs of decline, “Biden’s age should be less of an issue than Trump’s more apparent cognitive decline—displayed in slurred speech and gross, repeated errors in one campaign rally after another.”

For a full glimpse into the maw of madness that is Trump’s mind, consider his recent words about Jack Smith, the respected career prosecutor who has brought criminal charges against him in two cases:

He’s just a terrible human being. But he’s a deranged person who wants to hurt people. And we’re hurtin’ him. I’ll tell ya, we’re hurtin’ him. He stinks. That’s not the kind of people. You know, being a prosecutor is a very important thing, being a fair and good prosecutor is a very important thing. But some of these animals, I mean, they are bad.

Leaving aside the substance of his remarks, Trump’s syntax sounds like someone mumbling to himself in the shower. Does he not realize how deep-down dumb this makes him sound? Are his followers not embarrassed? The answers are “No” and “No.”

SADLY, THE CRAZINESS EXTENDS beyond MAGA-land. Despite the clear signs that Trump is in an active state of mental disintegration, a broad swath of Americans have somehow gotten it into their heads that Biden is worse.

A recent poll found that 63 percent of Americans had major concerns over Biden’s mental capability to serve as president as compared to 57 percent who had major concerns on this score for Trump. Perhaps these numbers will change as a result of Biden’s State of the Union performance last Thursday. Perhaps not.

On Saturday, both candidates held rallies in Georgia. Biden made no notable gaffes. Trump, meanwhile, assured his audience that he could have easily prevented the Ukraine war with a quick call to “Poten.” He mocked Biden’s stutter, and called him “the worst president, the most incompetent, and the most corrupt” in U.S. history. (Project much?) And he falsely accused Biden of having “announced a plan to send our brave U.S. military men and women into Gaza to resupply the terrorists of Hamas.”

Trump is not the same kind of late seventies, early eighties kind of a man that Joe Biden is. Biden is one of those people who still has it going on because he used his mind his entire life. The mind, like everything else, is a “use it or lose it” proposition. Trump has never used his mind. Not like Biden has. Biden’s been a member of Congress or a vice president or president for over 50 years. (A fact which dum dum Katie Britt sees as a detriment. Righto, Katie, let’s just pick a name out of a phone book and as long as the person has turned 35, we’ll elect him or her. That’s a swell idea.)

Trump, by contrast, has been performing in front of a camera or grifting. That’s not the same skills set. And it sure as hell is not a skills set that will enable you to manage a nation of 330 million people via a constitutional democracy. Trump doesn’t even want to do it right, he wants to become a dictator.

Trump is gearing up for the stolen election dirge. Mark my words, you’ll see more of these revived videos, you’ll hear more of the election integrity insanity. That’s what the appointment of Christina Bobb as an officer of election integrity in Trump’s newest regime, the RNC, was about yesterday. These are the first signs. Expect more.


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  1. That is one sure thing. On losing the next election, Trump and his acolytes will scream loudly from every place they can of false claims of a ‘stolen election’.

    Just like they did last time.

    They’ve spent so much time lying that they can’t recognize the truth anymore, but it doesn’t matter. Enough voters know the truth.

    And more than enough will vote. Trumpism will fade away like The John Birch Society did.

  2. it’s the same crap they pulled with Hillary, demonizing her for decades so that it sank in with enough people. now they’re calling Biden a crook running a crime syndicate and simultaneously suffering from dementia. with the Clintons they were not very bright people but smart enough to not leave any evidence. no one ever bothered to explain how both of those things could be true. just one more investigation and they’ll be nailed. the same thing thing now with the asinine Biden impeachment hearings in which they can’t see that they’re making asses of themselves (with a little help from the dems). as there was with the Clintons there’s a serious disconnect between reality and mainstream reporting and that’s really going to have to end.

  3. Just curious if anyone out there has a clue as to the depth and speed that a person that’s so far into dementia that Trump is at this point then how much worst he could be by November? Perhaps so far it will be impossible for even the MAGA’s to ignore. Nah they’ll still just see themselves in him and idolize him more!

  4. Former guy has sounded unhinged for years-his behavior while campaigning in 2016 was embarrassing and he looked and sounded like a developmentally disabled 3 year old back then and he is considerably worse now. If he isn’t dead by November, he will be grunting at his audiences instead of using his words. They will eat it up and want more. I’m not sure which is more appalling: trump’s cognitive decline or millions of people thinking he should be squatting in the w.h. again: after failing so f*cking miserably those four years he was in the w.h.

    I occurs to me there might be something in many water supplies which takes away any reasoning ability an individual might have and replaces it with slavish, ignorant support for orange colored people. This really is a sad state of affairs.


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