Take a minute and listen to this because if nothing else it will make you appreciate how much saner and mellower life is in 2021 than for the five years prior to it when Donald Trump was dominating the political landscape. His descent down the escalator was analogous to the scene in Tarantula, where it’s a lovely, peaceful day and the minute the hairy eight-legged one steps over the horizon and fills the frame, nothing is ever the same.

During the Trump years we had to endure a daily onslaught of bat guano coming out of Washington. At least nowadays we only hear this lunatic once in a great while. Listen to this and feel blessed that when you go to sleep tonight it is in the knowledge that this guy isn’t in the White House anymore. What a balm.

Apparently he still talks to Kim Jong Un? Which he probably does. I’m sure that when Trump is walking the parapets of his own personal Elsinore at night, BedBugMinster, he talks to Kim and Putin and Xi and probably Elvis and Marilyn as well. I think the key question here is does he hear them talk back? Very much along the lines of Henry IV, where Glendower says, “I can call the spirits from the vasty deep,” and Hotspur replies, “Why so can I, or so can any man; But will they come, when you do call for them?”

Yes, anybody can call the Kremlin or Buckingham Palace. The question of who gets through is another matter entirely. And I would not be the least surprised to hear that Trump still thinks he’s regarded the same as when he was in the White House because that’s the basis of the entire stolen election drivel, that he’s still president, he just has to live in one of his golf clubs because the meanies won’t let him in the White House. Of course Kim and Putin and the others still talk to him. And they tell him they look forward to his reinstatement because he’s so wonderful. I can believe that.

The last moments of this mad fest with Hannity had Trump saying it was “illegal” for him to say whether he was running for president or not. That’s absurd, of course. He doesn’t want to declare he’s running, because as soon as he declares officially, the PAC money becomes one thing and the presidential campaign becomes another. Trump wants the PAC coffers to fill. He needs them to.

So look for him to delay an announcement about running to the last possible second so that he can do the maximum grift.

Don’t forget, it’s MAGA Woodstock this weekend in a cow pasture in Alabama, unless Hurricane Fred decides to trash it and turn it into a mosh pit. Then I don’t know where Trump goes, to a Motel 6 parking lot with Mo Brooks? More will be revealed.



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  1. The other thing is that pesky 22nd Amendment, that says you can only win twice, so if he announces he’s going to run in 2024, he’s going to have to admit that he lost in 2020 and the Big Lie is an even Bigger Lie, and people who have been supporting him based on that are likely to be very unhappy with HIM.

    • He’ll find a rationale and no matter how cockeyed, the entire GOP will cosign on it. I believe that as much as I believe the sun will come up tomorrow.

  2. He isn’t in the White House anymore at the moment but what if he runs in 2024? Because if this man becomes president again I will have to move to another country. Democracy will fail in the U.S. and I cannot take another four years of this man.

  3. Kim and Putin still hold him in the same “esteem” as when he was president.
    In other words, they still consider him a joke.

  4. Also, I’m, surprised he didn’t start a war to help him get reelected.
    After all, it worked for the Republican that preceded him.

  5. “and probably Elvis and Marilyn as well.” Well for sure Marilyn wouldn’t talk back. Given that she was ahead of her time with the BLM concept. Just ask Ella Fitzgerald. Though all the reasons are more complex than those making the rounds the past year or so, Marilyn DID personally intervene at the Mocambo and with that one act, along with M’s personal appearance at every performance during that engagement, changed the trajectory of Fitzgerald’s career. Thank God she did, because otherwise, I would never have heard her magnificent performance a few years later at the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco!

    • Can you send a link to that story? There’s a lot of interesting Monroe stories around. She paid some guys who kept pigeons in Central Park to let them loose. She identified with people and animals stuck in awful circumstances. I think she’s a fascinating character and in no way have I ever bought the dumb blonde image. No, that was her artform, that character. But she had a lot more going on than that.

  6. Well first. You have the pac money, which is really called FMP money. Abbreviation for Fill My Pocket money. And second. Who said trump doesn’t use teleprompters. He’s freaking starring at one. And dumbass hannity tries to break in on it and trump totally ignores him. Of course you have this. Can’t break trumps concentration, or he will never remember where he left off.


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