As has been said many times, if you read this in a novel or screenplay, you would not believe it. You simply would not believe that a character like Donald Trump could exist and if you did manage to buy that much, then you would never believe that he would react to finally being indicted by going batshit, with non stop diarrhea of the mouth.

It’s pretty much a foregone conclusion these days that if Trump has any handlers or advisors, they are keeping their distance, if they haven’t out and out quit.

Because what’s appearing on Truth Social these days is not what you would expect from anybody who is being assisted by anyone. What’s appearing there is literally the ranting and raving of somebody demented. First of all, it’s non stop screaming in all-caps. Again and again and again. It’s like eating a taco without the shell or the meat or the lettuce, just the hot sauce. Burnout comes quickly.

Once again, the wife of the prosecutor becomes the target.

But here’s the martini shot of the day. Trump won’t top this today, and maybe not ever.

It’s debatable exactly what he means when he says “they’ve got nothing.” No, Donald, if they had nothing, they wouldn’t have been able to indict you on 34 counts of falsification of business records. That’s not nothing. That, emphatically, is something.

Maybe he’ll be away from his phone and social media site for the rest of the day. As hysterical as his all-caps rant sounds, maybe he should take a tranquilizer and chill out for a while. A long while. Like, until Tuesday when he goes to New York to have his mugshot and fingerprinting.

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    • This is why I think Trump can’t possibly have any handlers or advisors. Nobody sane would let him say this stuff. He must just go off in a snit, lock himself away and the “advisors” find out via social media what’s taken place and they cringe. That’s my best take on it.

  1. There he goes again…
    Flinging more shit at the walls….
    When he flings it in his cell, will the “secret service” clean it up?


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