You don’t have to be the Oracle at Delphi to realize that we are going to have more ugly, violent scenes in this country, similar to January 6, if Donald Trump doesn’t get his way — in all matters. He wants presidential immunity, he wants the charges against him to be dropped, he wants MAGA to triple and quadruple their donations. He wants lotsa lotsa things. The question is, what is he actually going to get?

Trump appeared briefly today and laughably talked about how “hard he worked on voter fraud.” What, telephoning Brad Raffensperger and asking him to find eleven thousand votes? Is that what he meant, he was working hard to create voter fraud? Because that’s a theory that would fit the facts. But no, Trump wants you to believe he was doing something noble because he believes that he was.

That’s bad enough. But this is a total jewel.

No, of course he’s not going to rule out violence.

Two thoughts: it’s a bit hard to conceive that somebody, anybody, let alone a United States president wouldn’t know that it was illegal to overthrow the government. Secondly, it’s an iron clad axiom in the law that “ignorance of the law is no defense.”

The thing that bothers me the most about all this is that the mainstream media is normalizing this a-hole. They’re calling him “Mr. President” like this is some normal thing, “Mr. President will you tell your sociopathic cult worshippers to start another riot, yes or no?” like this is business as usual.

It’s been said throughout the past seven years so far of the Trump era that the media perpetuates the insanity of this moment in our history by normalizing it. My simple prediction is that the further along in this year that we get, the crazier things are going to get. And my question is: Will the MSM do anything about that? Or, just report it as business as usual?

Because all this stopped being business as usual many years ago. And you know it has to get worse because Trump’s legal problems are getting worse. And as a result of that his money problems are getting worse. That’s a catastrophe for any presidential candidate in a presidential year but particular for a man with multiple trials happening concurrently.

Again I will say: we are watching a mentally ill man have a nervous breakdown in public — while running for the highest office in our land. This is because the Republican party fell apart of its own weight years ago and collapsed. History will record that this is what the death throes of that party looked like. Let’s just do everything that we can to see that history doesn’t also record the death throes of democracy as a result of all this dysfunction.


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  1. Their problem, that they’re ignoring, is that you can’t ‘bothsides’ insurrection.

    So they pretend that the lies from one side are equal to the truths from the other.

  2. I particularly loved the judge who asked his lawyer if a,president could be charged for ordering SEAL Team 6 to murder his political rival. Answer yes or no.
    Trump’s bargain basement attorney did a, worthy of Billy Flynn in Chicago, saying sell, maybe, he has to be impeached first and thrown out of office first, but his attempt to razzle dazzle ’em fell.flat for at least that judge. That lawyer is neither Richard Gere executing a perfect nor even the Death in his heyday, back when he still had morals and principles.

  3. I took an oath to defend the constitution, and being a student of history, knowing the sacrifices of my relatives and others, I will fight. If words suffice…great. If the vote is used, paid for by patriots from the 1700s to today, great! If not, and the darkness of brutal fascism is handed the reins, as it has been and is in other countries, I will join others in resisting. As Ghandi once opined, you can beat me, lock me up, even kill me, but you cannot get my cooperation unless I give it to you. So true. VOTE!

  4. If the, possibly mentally ill, malodorous mango wants his way, then it’ll be purgatory for the sane others, so, it’s a reasonable thing to adapt The Who’s song ‘Won’t Get Fooled Again’. Hope it makes sense :):

    We’ll be fighting him on our streets
    Along with our children at our sides
    Because the morals the MAGAs worship are gone
    And the idiots that spurred us on
    Sit in ill judgment all wrong
    They proudly decided their shotgun sings their song

    I’ll not tip my hat to any new Non-Constitution
    Nor bow to the MAGAs revolution
    I’ll grimace at any ill change abound
    I’ll nervously pluck my guitar and possibly play
    Hoping for just like dear yesterday
    As I’m on my knees while I pray
    We all don’t want to get fooled again just like 2016teennn

    That change, it did’nt have to come
    But we all knew it all along
    He said we’d be liberated
    But his world is just a MAGA game
    And his history can’t be changed
    But our banners, they will be flown for freedom from that MAGAs game

    We don’t get fooled again
    No, no


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