If you just woke up from a cryogenic slumber that you entered in 2016, you well remember that the spray tanned buffoon populist was running for office because he believed that he, as an outsider, could “drain the swamp” and run the American government like he had run his uber successful businesses in New York and around the world, lo these many years. And you might remember as well that the truth of the matter was that Donald Trump had declared bankruptcy six times and had to pay out a $25 million judgment on his Trump University scam.

You might remember a lot of things, but the one thing that would be foremost in your mind was that Trump was the outsider. He was running as the champion of the common man and he was enraged as they were, that they weren’t getting the breaks that they deserved from The Establishment. Trump was going to topple The Establishment on behalf of The People.

And a lot of people bought this line of bull. They bought it for a lot of reasons. First and foremost, Trump had name recognition, which is an invaluable asset in politics. Second, he played on TV for 14 seasons the character that he was selling the American people on The Apprentice; the tough, swaggering, knowledgeable businessman who made all the tough decisions and cut all the great deals with ease. Trump was the business equivalent of the Flying Wolendas, he simply soared through the air, defying gravity, and made the impossible look easy.

And, as said, a lot of people bought it. And a lot of them came to regret it. Ask Michael Fanone, the Capitol Police officer who voted for Trump in 2016 and then was bludgeoned during the Capitol Riot that Trump caused.

Now, let me get to the punchline. This will put you on the floor. Are you ready? Trump is now doing an incredible pivot. Gone is the outsider gambit. This time, he’s running as the seasoned professional, the man whose experience you need to vote back into power. Whut? Oh, yes. Starting Xmas Eve, Trump is running an ad set to air in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina. The hotlink is to the ad on Instagram. I’m still looking for it on Twitter or You Tube, but for right now you’ll have to see this masterpiece on Instagram. The Hill reported:

In the one-minute ad spot, former White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders described Trump’s surprise Christmas visit in 2018 to Iraq. The ad emphasized Trump’s experience as commander in chief, just weeks away from the Iowa caucuses. […]

The ad comes as Trump seeks to maintain his lead as the first round of presidential contests begin within the next month in Iowa.

According to the Decision Desk HQ’s poll average, Trump has a 33.6 percentage point lead in Iowa. In New Hampshire, Trump’s lead is just 17 percentage points, with his former United Nations ambassador, Nikki Haley, polling in a solid second place. In South Carolina, Trump has a 29.5 percentage point lead over Haley.

If you hit the link to Instagram you just saw the ad and listened to Hucky Boo Boo Sanders rhapsodize about the “kind of patriotism President Trump brought back to our country.” Oh yes, those were the days, my friend. We thought they’d never end. And that’s the truth. Those four years took about fifteen years off my life, I feel certain.

So that’s Trumpty’s new schtick, The Apprentice: Statesman Emeritus edition. Trump is drawing upon his vast repertoire of knowledge and experience to Make America Great Again Again. And again and again. Because if he gets back in, he’ll stay there and establish a dictatorship.

It’s going to be interesting to see how the early primary states play out. And it will be particularly interesting now that Trump is doing his Winston Churchill impersonation. The only thing we know is that this will be good for laughs.

Let’s see how this pivot works. I think it’s going to blow up in his face. Harnessing rage is Trump’s thing, and ginning up fear. But he’s decided to try the elder statesman routine. Okay. Let’s see how that works for him. MAGA wants an insult comic, not some serious guy. I wonder if the all-caps meltdowns and the screaming videos are going to stop?


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  1. I don’t know how they should go about it, but I find a disturbing trend when I talk with individuals about next November. Just yesterday, I spoke with a 55 year old German who became a citizen years ago when he married his husband. You’d think he’d be a solid Democrat given the democrats are the ones who support gay marriage. He did vote that way for Hillary and for Biden in the last election. When talking about Biden, the first thing he said was Biden was old and hadn’t done anything! WTF???? As those here know, I couldn’t let that pass without correcting him on both accounts. Ageism is alive and well, and people are phucking clueless. The Democrats better start hammering people with the TRUTH or we’ll see Hell on Earth!!! This from a man who, evidently, has forgotten the dangers of fascism IN HIS OWN PHUCKING COUNTRY’S HISTORY. The people who run the campaigns better realize they need to channel Joe Pesci, as Tommy in Casino. DeNiro said if you come at him with a knife, he comes with a gun. If you come with a gun you better kill him because he will keep coming UNTIL ONE OF YOU IS DEAD. We need to realize we are already in the final World War. We lose this, bye bye democracy, and any hope to deal with climate change. Bye bye ms American Pie!!! This is literally a fight to the death.

    • Biden’s age? When Trump is a diaper wearing obese 78 year old who can’t walk 20 feet or form more than one coherent sentences at a time?

      How did this even become a thing?

      And then you contrast their respective achievements in office.

      And a GAY man? Where did he think the legal change allowing his marriage came from?

      Christ! These people are stupid!

  2. They bought his Brilliant Businessman routine. Noe he combines that with 4years in the swamp, learning how to.maneuver in it, so more successful now that he’s found Foggy Bottoms drain.

    Or something.

  3. Absolutely convinced that the people ‘sleepwalking into dictatorship’ are those in Biden/Harris campaign. Maybe the fundraising on fighting authoritarianism has gone so well that they have no intention of fighting against it. Either way, even the fucking Lincoln Project hasn’t pushed back with ‘THEY ARE BOTH OLD’ and TLP seems to do more pushing than any GD Democrat. Seriously…wtf!!???!!!

  4. What amazes/amuses me: Trump is using the very laws and rule of law as defense, the very same laws and rule he wants to upend if elected. The legal system is working as it was designed to work. However (there is always a “however”!), while our system works — at least for the moment — to Trump’s favor it is working to our disfavor. Or, COULD work to our nation’s disfavor if the orange scoundrel actually gets off scot free.

  5. …. I am telling you all this now so you won’t have to worry any more .
    If 45 loses it’s going to be 2020 all over again only worse . If Biden loses not a gawd damm thing is going to happen . The left will express their displeasure , rant and rave about everything ,but they won’t do anything about it. I hate 45 with all my heart and feel bad about Joe . He’s doing what he can to keep his cool . He won’t say anything remotely negative about the GOP. And this is why Joe is going to win… and the shit show will start all over again ….


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