Well, we’ve had some interesting news break this morning.  For reasons I don’t need to get into yet again Trump has had lots of trouble getting top tier lawyers for some years now.  He has convinced a handful of competent ones to represent him, but they seem to get shoved to the side because they try to, you know be good lawyers and do stuff like advise him on how to minimize his legal exposure.  That includes generating some goodwill with investigators and prosecutors by not being dickish about providing stuff they are going to eventually get anyway.

That brings us to Trump attorney Tim Parlatore who we know from the news fell from favor some time back.   Even before he “surrendered” (bad day to be a ketchup bottle at Mar A Lago when Trump got that news!) and agreed to testify to one of Special Prosecutor Jack Smith’s grand juries Parlatore was already outside of the circle of lawyers Trump paid attention to.  I suppose ole Tim had been savvy enough to get a good retainer, and that the agreement contained a clause that even if Trump fired him he got to keep what he’d been paid upfront.  So Trump had him hanging around out there in I guess a “Break Glass In Case of Emergency” type of thing, or at least to have his second (closer to third) rate lawyers he sends out there pump him for information on just what the feds know.

But now we’ve learned Parlatore is DONE!  In a news story I read he’s making all the “appropriate” noises about “what an honor it was to serve Trump – blah, blah blah” but I think we all know it’s boilerplate butt kissing to protect his career.  He’s more likely than not relieved to leave Mar A Lago and Trump in the rearview mirror.  What’s clear is that from the time he started working for Trump his conduct (like actually engaging in normal back and forth about responding to requests for info. and subpoenas) was such that he wasn’t about to risk his law license.  Is it any wonder that given Trump wants, DEMANDS fealty to Trump above all else, that any and everyone willingly and even worshipfully sacrifice their own interests/well-being for Trump fell out of favor?

I can easily imagine Parlatore spending this afternoon knocking back brews and prepping for an epic BBQ party in his backyard for family and friends this evening!  And I’ll bet tonight he sleeps better than he has in a very long time.

As for Trump, pushing this guy away and finally out the door is something that if justice is finally meted out and said justice includes him no longer being able to give his thumbs a workout on his phone tapping messages will be something he thinks back on.  And regrets.

So, Trump is down a lawyer.  Maybe Rudy G. still has a FL license!

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  1. Trump thinks he doesn’t need good lawyers if he has judges that just make stuff up to rule in his and the insurrectionist traitors favor. I think that tide may be turning though.

    • Trump does have judges that will just make up crap and couch in in legalese for him. We’ve seen it more than once this year! As I said yesterday (and plenty of times previously) he only got to appoint those hack judges and TWO Justices because not enough Democrats got their butts out to vote in 2016. Or did but didn’t vote for Hillary because… “Bernie got screwed”, or (even many women) “She’d be good at the job and we should have a woman President but does it have to be Hillary? Because – reasons”, or cast a protest vote for Jill Stien like idiots did for Nader in 2000 to “make a point” about only two choices. EVERYONE knew RGB was old and had already somehow gotten through several serious health issues. The odds on her lasting until a Democrat could be elected in 2020 and sworn in in Jan. 2021 were slim. Don’t talk to me about how close she came to making it. It was always a serious gamble to risk what people chose to risk, again because of “reasons” when it came to Hillary Clinton.

      Our country and the free world has paid dearly, and the tab is still open. The final bill won’t be known for decades given the reach all those Trump judges and the decisions from the now 6-3 Federalist Society GROOMED Justices who’s own precedent will factor when it comes to Stare Decisis is added up. But if you think the “running total” so far is bad to the point of appalling (and it is) I assure you in your wildest nightmares you don’t know how bad the final bill will be.

  2. So true. “any nation that’s believes it can be both ignorant and free, believe in what never was, and never will be.” Thomas Jefferson, slave holder. I find it baffling how an educated person can sleep at night while OWNING human beings. When you establish a country based on hypocrisy, there’s no way it ends well.

    • People, both individually and collectively have the capacity to learn. Some more so than others. How people are raised, what they learn early on gets parked deep and can be difficult to unlearn, especially when access to new information and/or different views is restricted and in some extreme cases fanatically withheld. Still, in the end I believe there is ignorance, and willful ignorance. I can forgive the former, but refuse to forgive the latter.


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