Raw Story is reporting that an unnamed Trump Lawyer spoke to White House Correspondent Ed O’Keefe this morning and floated the inane idea that his client’s trial for attempts to defraud the American people as to the result of the 2020 election, obstruct Congressional proceedings and swindle voters out of their franchise be conducted not In The District of Colombia where his plots were conceived, incubated and hatched to such calamitous effect on Dec. 6th but in the more “diverse” environs of… West Virginia.

“Former President Donald Trump’s legal team is considering a request to change the venue of his January 6 trial from Washington, D.C., to West Virginia.

On CBS, an attorney representing the former president suggested to senior White House Correspondent Ed O’Keefe on Wednesday morning that West Virginia is in “close proximity” to the scene of the alleged crime — even though D.C. is actually where January 6 happened and the courhouse where it would take place directly overlooks the Capitol — and went on to suggest that West Virginia is “much more diverse” than D.C.

In reality, the play is clearly about trying to get a more favorable judge and jury pool.“

Gee, ya think?

West Virginia, aside from the fact that it’s electorate turned in the least diverse results in the 2016 and 2020 Presidential elections awarding Trump over 70% of it’s vote each time, demographically it is among the least diverse states in the union as this graphic from the U.S. Census demonstrates:

So we’re expected to move the trial from the city where the Capitol was attacked and defaced by Trump’s mob, where the families of the slain police officers reside and gallows erected to a state where the former POS is most popular.

And, if that is denied I suppose their next move will be to try to have Judge Aileen Cannon reassigned from Fort Pierce to D.C.?

CBS correspondent Scott McFarlane reported this outrage on Twitter:

In reality D.C. is much more diverse than homogeneous West Virginia…

So much for the Constitution’s requirement that crimes be tried in the district in which they were committed.

He has the “best” lawyers 🙄🙄🙄


Those pesky facts…


Nice try unidentified Trump lawyer, but this is not going to happen.

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  1. Someone needs to tell this F-list lawyer to go take a flying freak. What nonsense. Before you commit a crime, treason in fact, you might want to think about venues. It isn’t as if the dumb ass didn’t have a bunch of attorneys helping him commit treason after all-couldn’t one of them told the dipsh*t “hey, you’re going to be tried in D.C. if you get charged for this”? Of course we’re talking about a group who actually thought they’d succeed using some of the dumbest mother f*ckers on the planet so there’s that.

  2. I lived in the eastern panhandle of WV for over ten years. Closer to eleven in fact. For a while I had a job which meant travelling well west of Berkely County so I saw a fair amount of that state and its people. Diverse? Hah! GOPer/MAGA? Duh! It’s about as white, poor & working class completely suckered by GOP economic ideas (going back to Reagan) as it gets. I’m glad a got the hell away from there before Trump. It was an increasingly intolerable place for me even before that.

    As far as venue, EVERY Trump legal case (civil and criminal) could be tried in the ballroom at Mar A Lago with Trump picking the judge, AND the jury from his family members, cronies and such and he’d STILL whine about how unfairly he was being treated. That the venue, the judge and jury were “rigged” to “get” him.

  3. As EVERY member of that group of losers, this is one more disingenuous, unserious, bad faith acting, cynical asswipe. Toss more turds at the wall to see what sh!t sticks.


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