There are two levels of reality running side by side in the Trump indictment debacle. One, is the simple legal matter itself. The other is Donald Trump using it as a machine to fundraise and gain pity. He’s been quoted in the New York Post as saying that he can’t wait for the mugshot because it will be a tremendous fundraiser.

He’s not the only one saying that. The mugshot is expected to become immediately iconic and go viral, on merchandise, in electronic form, you name it.

Bill Maher has been quoted as saying that people at MSNBC will masturbate with their mugshot of Trump. I’ll definitely lift a glass of champagne to mine. Happily. However, while all the hilarity is going on, and the cash is rolling into the Trump coffers, the legal powers that be would like to make this trial as little of a circus as possible and that may necessitate a gag order on Trump.

A judge issues a gag order when a party to a trial will not stop talking publicly about the trial. Usually a gag order is enforced with a fine, or it can be enforced with imprisonment. Maybe that’s what Trump is hoping to achieve, to make a complete circus out of the proceedings.

Trump’s a billionaire, remember, who said he would never ask for donations. That’s what vulgar politicians did, he was going to self-fund. Right.

I wonder how much money Vladimir is kicking into this operation? Or, maybe he sees it as a lost cause and is just laughing away, like the rest of us.


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  1. It frustrates the hell out of me that Democrats didn’t long ago make Trump’s bragging about being “really, really rich” with claims of a worth of 10 Billion in fact making such a big deal about not taking donations. That he’d self fund. And all that money he’s been raising for years for “legal fees” too. If he’s so fucking rich like he claims he could handle a hundred, or even two hundred million in legal fees without much hassle. Like I said, this should have been honed into a talking point or two that gets made multiple times a week!

    I don’t see the judge tossing him in jail for violating a gag order. Although he should, at least for one night! But if there’s going to be a fine it needs to be a big one, and get levied every single time Trump shoots off his fat fucking mouth about the trial. Make it hurt. Once it’s cost Trump millions and even conservative pundits and lawyers are on TV saying Trump should just STFU and that people should send their hard earned money to a guy who’s going to blow it the way Trump will be doing maybe it will make a bit of a difference.

    • The *GOP* should have been making a big deal of it, since they’re the ones losing out: he doesn’t send them any of the money he collects, or very little of it. Some of his “fundraising” for candidates gets them as little as 1% of the donations.

    • He’ll just use that to skim more cash from his cult. Maybe a night in jail every time he shoots his mouth off would be better. He’d probably end up spending a LOT of time behind bars

  2. A gag order should be a foregone conclusion at this point. After posting a picture of himself w/a baseball bat next to a picture of Bragg (on his so-called broke-ass twitter aka truth social), the judge has all the justification he would need. Since he has also threatened the judge, I’m sure the judge will make any fine substantial enough to hurt.

  3. “Bill Maher has been quoted as saying that people at MSNBC will masturbate with their mugshot of Trump.”

    Two questions: First, what has Maher been smoking/inhaling/injecting to make such a statement? And, second–and related–how long has it been since Maher has masturbated*? No matter how gleeful someone might feel at seeing Trump’s mugshot, it’s certainly NOT something that’s going to provide any kind of sexual satisfaction to a sane liberal. I mean, a mugshot is only going to be sexually arousing if the subject is initially good-looking. I mean, take for example, Jeremy Meeks, the “Hot Mugshot Guy” from about a decade ago. (Refresher pic at That guy was objectively hot and that mugshot was certainly used as a masturbatory aid for a lot of people, female AND male.

    I’ll guarantee the only people who’ll be masturbating to Trump’s mugshot are die-hard MAGAs, female AND male alike (and even “straight” MAGA men will be using it–wouldn’t surprise me if they make copies that they can turn into masks to cover the faces of their partners/wives/whatever to imagine they’re having sex with Donald; certainly, a lot of the women will be having their partners/husbands/whatever wear the mask to pretend they’re having sex with Donald).

    *Then again, this is a man who admits to lusting after Ann Coulter. So, I can only imagine he’s got a pretty weird–even bizarre–collection of masturbatory images.

  4. Do you want to know how much putin has kicked in?
    Just ask the scum currently taking up space on the Supreme Joke….
    Citizens United my ass….

  5. I’d love to see a photo of the grump with a real ball gag strapped to his orange mug. Now that just might inflame some libidos.

    • My wish too. Ball gag, some non-fuzzy handcuffs, his combover sans hair spray revealing his bald area, no spray tan.

  6. I couldn’t care less who or how many jerk off to that ugly face, Bill Maher lost me long ago and as for Frump, I wish he’d just STFU. And I can’t believe the people who can hardly get by, mainly because they send him every cent they can scrape together.

    • Televangelists have been milking this same crowd for decades, little old ladies on SSA and Medicare, the gullible, the uneducated, all easily manipulated fools. tRump has taken the place of the Bible-thumpers and God-botherers, all cut from the same cloth, of the same fraudulent, criminal ilk. Low-life exploiters, users and abusers, scum of the earth.

  7. Our nation being in decline is pretty old news. Its steep descent into shit-hole status got its start over 40 years ago. The shit-gibbon squatting in the w.h. merely made it look like Haiti or some such hell-hole.


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