Maybe somebody in Trump world has been trying to get Donald to sound like an elder statesman. Ivanka, perhaps? Junior’s too loaded, Melania is too busy shopping, and Jared is in the doghouse still, so maybe it’s Ivanka. In any event, Trump released one of his daily epistles and it is short and inscrutable.

So, what does he mean?

  1. That Kabul could be efficiently evacuated like Dunkirk? Nah, that would be giving Joe credit;
  2. That we should send boats into Kabul to take out refugees? Capital idea that, if only Afghanistan wasn’t landlocked;
  3. Maybe those sandboats that they had in the Martian Chronicles could go across the desert and rescue folks? Could we beam those down?
  4. Sweet Jesus, this is Trump talking, it’s not supposed to make any freaking sense.

But here’s a clue.

It’s a bit of a reach, but what do you expect? Also, there is a movie called The Miracle At Dunkirk, which would tend to infer that all’s well that ends well. Maybe Trumpty should try screening it?

But expect more vitriol. Fox News and the RWNJs are thrilled to have a new talking point to detract from the horrors of the GOP governors turning their states into COVID crisis death zones. They are savaging it like a puppy rips up the best shoes in the house. And the end result is about as productive as the puppy’s efforts, too.

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  1. That should cut his support in the old-people group.
    He can go take a long walk off the Mar-al-Ego dock. Although all that blubber will keep him afloat for a while.

  2. I will openly admit to being generally ignorant about Dunkirk. And most any military operation…because jeebus do I hate learning about war crap. But I could talk about the evolution of the medical system in the 1920’s, or the economics of reconstruction, or other no-guns-allowed topics for hours.

    • You may not know history off the top of your head, but you can look it up because you’re curious. Trump has no intellectual curiosity on any subject. It’s all soundbites and talking points to him. This is a TV show, never forget. Celebrity is all he knows.

    • Well, there was a little movie, called “Dunkirk,” from a couple of years ago, directed by Christopher Nolan, that recounted the story. It *IS* a bit confusing as there were–as I recall–three separate stories going on, set over different time frames. One story covers roughly a week, another covers a day and the third covers a couple of hours. They all come together at the end of the movie but the stories run concurrently through the film (respectively, the stories describe the troops being pushed back to the beach, the rescue effort called by Churchill*, and RAF crews flying to cover the rescuers and the evacuees). But–OMG!–it was fantastic and certainly worth your time to watch. (It may suffer some watching it at home–no matter how big your screen it–because the visuals just really call for as big a screen as you can get. On the other hand, you’re less likely to get quasi-deafened from the sound–in the theaters, it was LOUD.)

      *The rescue effort included a number of private boats–owned by regular fishermen along the southern English coast–and Nolan was able to use many of the original boats that were actually used in 1940 (some of the film’s “boat owners” were played by men who were just kids and young teens and helped their own dads and grandfathers with the rescue).


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