If you’re wondering who has not had a good day today, of course you can name Don Lemon and Tucker Carlson. But don’t leave off Ron DeSantis. Monday has not been such a great day for him.

First of all, he’s in Japan trashing Joe Biden. You would think that would be non-problematic, now wouldn’t you? After all, Biden’s not there to defend himself, so one would think that Ronnie has it sewed up.

One would be wrong. One would need to check out what’s happening here in the states, first, in order to figure out how Righteous Ron is doing.

AND Trumpty’s newest campaign ad. Take a look at that and you’ll know how Ron’s day is going. Then we’ll get to Bobblehead.

Exactly what you would expect, DeSantis as Judas. Good luck with that MAGA vote, Ron.

And here’s what is going viral.

What do you expect, Ron? You left Florida to go sign books and go on foreign tours. You don’t care if the Ft. Lauderdale airport got flooded or if people there went four days without gasoline. That’s not your concern. You’re too busy running for president, or pre-running, whatever TF it is that you’re doing.

The question I want answered is whether DeSantis was stupid enough to face into the sun to be photographed for the picture atop this piece, or if the Japanese staged it that way, because they don’t like him either?

Next DeSantis goes on to Israel, where word on the street is that they’re bracing for the Second Coming Of Jared Kushner.

Stay tuned. It’s going to be one of those weeks.

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  1. Floridumb needs a good civics lesson. For instance, if you are stupid enough to elect a mentally ill concentration camp guard for governor, any request for “Federal aid” gets slow walked. If you don’t have a state income tax, your parasites get “Federal aid” after your state drains its “rainy day fund”. Cities like Ft. Lauderdale, the home of numerous very expensive homes built along canals…..need a first hand lesson in “bootstrapping “…

    • The day bootstrapping is applied to those wearing Manolo Blahnik strappies instead of those actually wearing boots….oh hell it ain’t happening. Not in this country. Not until we overthrow the oligarchs, craporations,and lynch every mother f**ker in the federalist society just for a start.

    • Dumb D Dumb,

      Is showing a huge lack of intelligence, attacking Disney in Florida … they collect and pay over 1.2 billion dollars in taxes to the State and counties, make a huge income magnet for the Orlando area, 75+ billion dollars a year, second largest employer in Florida with 70,000 employees, they keep their property clean, safe and update displays and rides constantly …

      WTF, is it true ? Dumb D Dumb is truly that stupid to threaten one of the most appreciated and attended businesses in the United States of America?

      With the State of Florida always catering to the retired folks, I would think numb nuts, would be concerned about his appearance of criminal negligence of the needs of , “HIS”, State, with joy rides to foreign countries for what gains as the possible future President ?

      Bobble Head, IS a very good aspect of his current performance …


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