It’s an axiom of public relations that if you want to control the narrative of a given story, you get out in front of it and put your own interpretation on it. Donald Trump has decided to do just that.

Gone are the days when he’s castigating Alvin Bragg morning, noon, and night. No, now Trump sees it all a different way. He sees the grand jury as his friend, not his foe.

The rest of the country is seeing Bragg move off the indictment for another week or so, Trump is projecting something else entirely into the situation.

And Trump has one of his glossy television lawyers speaking for him as well.

What the game show host doesn’t get, is that the wheels of justice grind slowly and they grind exceedingly fine. Nobody legitimate is going to rush a case. The only one rushing this case is Trump, because he doesn’t want to deal with the consequences and also because he, himself, jumped the gun and said he would be arrested last week and that was a fundraising ploy.

Trump’s trying to grab the narrative here and spin it to his own use. He’s wasting his time but maybe he can grift a few more dollars out of the cult.

Or, what about this one? How about Trump announces that the grand jury has decided to reinstate him as president and return him to the White House, because they feel so bad about him being inconvenienced? They feel they owe it to him? I’d give this 40% or so odds of happening, as thoroughly divorced from reality as Trump is becoming.

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      • And the shiny TV lawyer just HAPPENS to have long, blonde shiny hair and a cleavage which she shows prominently during the interview by leaning forward in her chair (a trick she learned from tRump amid his extensive work with the Miss Universe Pageant and School of Tomfoolery). 😁

  1. Of course the fsct that Easter and Passover are inside the next couple of weeks and the schools will be breaking for the Spring recess (and parents will need to be at home) is pure coincidence.
    After all Grand Juries (and attornies) don’t need any breaks or time off
    ….tosses out a handful of straw, )tiny hands, clutching, for the the use of)……


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