It’s no secret that I detest Melania Trump. I concede that I come across as catty in my takedowns of her and you know what? I really don’t care, either. Initially, I thought she was a tasteless phony and grifter just like her husband, who lied about holding university degrees she doesn’t have, winning beauty contests she didn’t win, and speaking foreign languages she doesn’t speak. But the day she sent her not-so-cryptic and cruel message to the world via writing on a cotton pea coat, was completely the last straw for me. Weirdly enough, the clothing line that made the coat also used to make tee shirts and handbags containing Nazi symbolism. If you didn’t catch that story, read it now.

In it, I cite to an article by New York Times columnist Charles M. Blow, called “The King and Queen Of Cruelty,” which is who Donald and Melania Trump are, plain and simple.

Be that as it may, press releases comparing Melania to Jackie Kennedy began coming out right after the election, and Trump dragged that old chestnut out of the fire Friday morning on Fox News.

And there’s nothing wrong with being a sex worker. Not unless you’re claiming to really be the Queen of the Netherlands, or some such fable.

Interesting slip of the tongue, calling Melania “it,” eh? Remember that Twilight Zone episode, where a guy was all alone on a planet and then somebody sent him a woman — and it turned out to be a robot? That would explain Melania’s stiffness and rigidity in photographs. Good to know.


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    • Jackie was a wonderful ambassador to the world. She was fluent in French, Spanish and Italian and she made speeches in countries that spoke those languages. She was the interpreter for her husband and then French President Charles DeGaulle. The good will she generated by being able to speak to people eloquently in their own language was immeasurable. Melania also claims fluency in several languages. Have you seen or heard one minute of her making a speech in a foreign tongue? You think Emmanuel Macron wouldn’t have been impressed by a FLOTUS who spoke French beautifully? (French is one of the languages Melania claims fluency in.)

      This is what riles me, is that it’s all lies, coming out of the Trump White House. All lies, all the time, from and about everybody. It’s toxic.

        • I don’t care about his brain, but I would love to dissect his mind and know how that works. His thought processes are out there. Melania’s his trophy wife. I don’t think there can be any question about that.

          • I was just thinking about mitch mcconnels pathological hatred earlier this morning. I would love to know about him, too.

      • I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. The reason she avoids the press so much, that the WH so closely controls access to her is they are afraid someone from the media that gets access to her for even a few questions might secretly know & be if not fluent then have at least a working ability to speak in & question the First Trailer Trash Lady in one of those languages she’s supposedly fluent it. Having film of her with not just a blank, vapid model stare but actual bewilderment as said journalist explains what she asked & in what language would be priceless – and “bigly” embarrass Trump.

        • It is funny when you catch somebody in a language lie. When I was in college my roommate brought home a guy who claimed to be from Trinidad/Tobago. He claimed to speak French and I started speaking French to him (and I am not fluent by any wild stretch of the imagination, but I did a semester abroad in college.) Anyhow, the guy backpedaled and said that he had “vowed” not to ever speak French again, some total bulls*it. Moral of the story: Don’t claim knowledge or skill you can’t demonstrate upon command or expect to look like the a$$ you are.

      • Someone needs to tell Malaria that being able to barely utter ,”Bring me Moose and Squirrel.” hardly qualifies one as being fluent in English…..

        ……I mean “Be Best”……really?

        *contemptuous smirk*

    • Give it time. Once he’s out of Office, in prison and/or his far smaller than he say’s fortune is further diminished due to legal fees and lost assets he’ll promote exactly such a book. And a magazine version for newsstands because so many of his goobers wouldn’t be able to afford a version of the book.

  1. tRump forgets, if he ever knew, that Jackie O wasn’t called that until some years after she was First Lady.
    But still, like the rest of you I find this comparison disgusting. And that’s all the time and bandwidth I care to give to his latest attempt at distraction 😉

      • She had to have the husband who was president dead before she became Mrs Onassis.
        So we’ve still got some way to go before he gets his wish.

    • Great act of explanation, just enough bandwidth to swing the bat of reality at those, (the himself and the standoffish token not willing to hold hands with him), that would even think to say such drivel, he must be churning the local help at the WH with his bravado and kingship stance … ducking flying things every which way …. we MUST make SURE he is punished for his stupidity and gross statements … reading the, “It’s”, like others here, I was about to wonder how long her set of batteries lasts, before she has to stand in the sun for a recharge …

      Someone should introduce her to Pete, who actually speaks several languages, and would be a real plus in our international relations … since he actually can speak fluently in those languages common and uncommon ones …

  2. “Melania T” is what he’s calling her now? Well, since T is the first letter both words of the term Trailer Trash I suppose that fits!

    It’s insulting beyond belief to compare Melania Trump to Jackie Kennedy. The former wouldn’t have been fit to be the latter’s cleaning lady. Class isn’t something that can be bought, or for that matter put into someone in the form of silicone boobs and lip injections.

  3. I don’t detest her as much as I detest the women – and it seems to be most women – who say things like, “Finally!A First Ladt with real class and grace!” That’s when I want to spit nails. Right in their faces.

    But you’re right, she’s no Jackie O. Hell, she’s also no Pat Nixon, no Nancy Reagan, no Barbara Bush, and don’t even think you can mention her in the same sentence with Rosalynn Carter.

  4. Jackie was an educated , beautiful woman , please don’t try to put Melania in comparison to her. Malania is a wanna be, she wishes she could be Jackie. And I wonder who her stand in is ?

    • Jackie was a woman of substance and considerable brilliance. Melania is a run of the mill person who found a man with money, got plastic surgery and by some bizarre twist of fate has been cast in a role on the world stage that she is abysmally unfit to perform — just exactly like her spouse. She might as well go over to Stratford On Avon and play Lady Macbeth. Same difference — except it wouldn’t be doing our country any damage.

      • I see her differently. When Trump is out of Office and she finally gets to divorce him only to find out he can’t actually pay out the sum required in their pre-nup she will maybe be able to make a few bucks via a minor role in another Stepford Wives movie or TV show. She won’t even have to act!

        • You definitely see her differently. I don’t think she’ll ever divorce him. They live on different floors at the Trump Tower penthouse. She doesn’t want pre-nup money, she wants to inherit it all. Just my guess. She’s cut from the same bolt of cloth that he is.

  5. I have the impression he’s referring to the color or the design. But it’s possible he thinks that’s how you talk about someone who’s still very much respected, long after their death.

    • Yea but DJT thinks she looks so good naked, no other reason to keep a plastic lady around, because he could have anyone he wanted and has tried a couple times, his own words, “If she was not my daughter, I”,.

      A real sleazeball, dead from the neck up … a genius at everything in his own mind … but in reality, the worlds greatest loser …


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