The political mix master that is the mind of Donald Trump is busy grinding away today and here’s the latest mishmash of history, hyperbole and disinformation.

His Bay of Pigs Award is on the wall with his Michigan Man Of The Year award — both invisible, because they don’t exist.

I wonder if those vets would endorse him again?

It looks like, once again, Florida will be the centerpiece of this election. Or, at least an interesting spectacle in it.

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  1. Ah, the irony of Trump’s “award” (no matter how bizarre it would be, even if a real thing) is that, in his last run for the White House, he played the fears of a “caravan” of illegal immigrants (mainly populated by bloodthirsty gang members as well as run-of-the-mill murderers and rapists) coming to the US from Mexico and Central America and taking over and terrorizing “good (White) Americans” and that he, the Donald, was the lone person to stop this horde.

    Now, he’s bragging about an endorsement from a group representing the only bunch of ILLEGAL immigrants to get to enter the US with no real obstacles–even in the past few decades, the only “obstacle” was they had to set foot on US soil *before* being intercepted by the Coast Guard or Navy. The overwhelming majority of the Cuban-American community (most of whose older members spent more time planning on returning to Cuba, rather than truly integrating into US society), after 1961, needed merely to claim “political” persecution and they were allowed to stay in the US without all the other obstacles other immigrants face; the “political” claims didn’t even have to be proved (immigrants fleeing genuine political persecution in places like Guatemala and El Salvador–two US allies–would be denied, no matter how much evidence they had).

    It’s actually beyond ironic that the man who famously claimed not liking “losers” is bragging about this endorsement by an actual group of “losers” who wouldn’t be around to have endorsed him in 2016 if they’d won their fight back in 1961.

  2. I had a friend/girl friend growing up that came from Cuba. Her dad had been a dentist in Cuba, but taught Spanish at the local black college. This was back in the 60’s. My cousin married a Cuban girl down in Homestead back several years ago. She pushed a bogus resume claiming she was a CPA and got a big job with Hostess. She didn’t even have a college degree. The Cubans control what the Russians don’t down in Miami it seams. That may be a bit simplistic. However, they do seem to have an inordinate amount of power.

    The Cuban’s anger at Democrats because of Kennedy and the Bay of Pigs is about like Mississippi racist anger over the voting rights act and LBJ. Both attitudes are childish and immature and have resulted in god knows how much death, theft and destruction by Republicans.


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