The breaking news tonight of the leak of the SCOTUS first draft of a ruling basically overturning Roe v Wade just keeps spreading ripples. And it’s my job to tell you about those ripples.
First things first. Whatever I’ve written tonight, and whatever you’ve read, it is going to be uber interesting to see how the Supreme Court responds to the report tonight that they are ready to strike down Roe v Wade. And no matter how secretive they like to portray themselves, the court is going to have to respond. Because the leak of the first draft, unique in SCOTUS history, has them scrambling to respond to public pressure to a ruling that hasn’t even been made public yet!
But you know what? It really doesn’t matter what blatherferst bullshit SCOTUS engages in to try to get their nuts off of the fire. Because the damage is already done.
Because even the implication that the court may be about to overturn Roe v Wade is enough to send every progressive liberal, and every woman who wants a say in her own reproductive rights into a frenzy. But the best part is that the Democrats are going to have an unintentional ally in their struggle, namely the GOP.
Because every single man-jackin’, Evangelical, Trombie GOP fucktard is going to celebrate this as an incredible victory! And some of them are running in competitive or very competitive swing districts. Which is a problem.
Because recent polling shows Roe v Wade with almost a 70% popularity. Democrats aren’t 70% of the electorate. Which means that there are many GOP and independent men and women out there who support a woman’s right to choice. And that means in competitive swing districts too.
The Democrats need to hammer the shit out of this, everywhere. The Democrats have nobody but themselves to blame. For decades they ignored the courts as an important issue. But now they have the second chance to make it matter. And they have to make the most of it.
This news is going to energize the Democratic base like nothing else can. And the GOP will be sitting there, fat, dumb, and happy, rubbing everybody’s noses in it. Democrats can hammer GOP candidates with the fact that they want to force Suzy Q Homemaker with as many kids as she can have, without regard for if they can afford it or not. And if they play it right, the Democrats can use it as a wedge issue to reform the Supreme Court, putting the Senate further in play.
The Russians have an old saying, In war, two blunders are not permitted. The Democrats have an incredible opportunity to harness the outrage over this leaked first draft ruling to put the GOP on the defensive. Let’s not look a gift horse in the mouth, shall we?
The Republicans will claim they have no responsibility in the ruling by the completely apolitical SCOTUS, but they are satisfied with the with the wisdom of the ruling.
Um, no they can’t claim they have no responsibility since banning abortion became part and parcel of every GOP Presidential platform for the past 2 decades (well, technically 4 decades, but Reagan and Bush the Elder never really cared one whit about abortion in terms of government policy). It really wasn’t until Bush the Younger got in when abortion started taking on more importance.
Well, as seen in Ukraine, the Russians would know about blunders, wouldn’t they? But yeah, the messaging from the Dem leadership is lining up with the base on this in a way I’ve not seen in a long while. Pelosi and Schumer already put out blistering statements. Protesters camped out overnight to get going this morning witg thousands more joining them shortly.
If Alito DID leak this as a trial balloon as suggested by Denis, the former just shot his own agenda in the head. Nerves are still extremely raw in our post(?)-pandemic world and people in that want a fight they can win. Once more, this quote from The Big Heat: “Never stir the people up. Otherwise, they start doing things.”
Abortion tends to be an issue that energizes the people wanting it criminalized. It rarely is the main reason progressives vote.
This issue, and the next two elections, are in the hands of women specifically young women since they’re the ones it will affect. If the dumb twats won’t get out and vote, and history shows they tend not to, they will become chattel because if ANYONE thinks this s.c. and the ‘pubes will stop at Roe, they are delusional. I predict birth control will be on the chopping block next–and will be gone as well.
Spike Down
Apparently you haven’t talked to !any democratic women in 29yeats. Iam62 but have friends rabgingfrom25 to 80.Every.So gle.Woman. I know votes on Roe. Ant-ichoice? You lose my vote. I will write in. Minnie Mouse before ypu get my vote. When s politicion ignores the needs of half of the human race (,1 out of every,4 women will have an abortion before menopause) ,he doesn’t deserve to get vote
Maybe try talking to women instead ofmale Dems, and learn something.