I wrote about this briefly yesterday, but things just keep popping up, and I think it’s time to do a little deeper dive to provide more clarity with the actual situation on the ground.

I know you get tired of hearing it, but it doesn’t get any less True with the passage of time. Donald Trump is a political imbecile. And the more legal  he’s coming under, the more imbecilic he gets. And in this case, the imbecility goes all the way back to day one of his reelection campaign.

Do yourself a favor. Don’t bother Traitor Tot with things like facts. Who needs that sh*t. Like Wile E Coyote, Trump is a Suuuuper Genius, of the most stable kind. Trump is, especially in politics, both linear as well as transactional. If you remember nothing else, remember this. Facts mean nothing to Trump simply because he already knows that they mean nothing to his Piltdown Man base.

In the face of multiple criminal investigations, state, federal and local, Trump tried a Hail Mary pass from his own one yard line on the second play of the game. He announced his candidacy for President in 2024. There was a simple reason for this, but it only makes sense to an imbecile.

The DOJ has a rule about announcing any investigations or indictments during a general election cycle, so as not give the impression that the DOJ is trying to put their thumb on the scale of the election. But here’s Trump’s imbecile genius floating to the top again. The DOJ defines the general election season as being the end of the last party national convention. In other words, about 90-120 days before election day.

Trump filed his papers more than 500 days before election day. He was hoping to get the investigations to back off, since he was a declared presidential candidate. It didn’t work, but His Lowness didn’t care because he had his propaganda talking point. He could now prattle to his shambling Trombie base, any time the heat got too high, that the weaponized Biden DOJ was engaging in election interference against a political martyr. And they’re coming for you next, so keep those donations rolling in.

But to fully appreciate the true genius of Trump’s imbecility, we need to go even further back. As I wrote at the time, in the days following Biden being declared the winner, Trump hit on a potential campaign donation goldmine. Trump sent out repeated e-mail, text, mass mailings, and repeated links on his cheesy Bullsh*t Social platform breathlessly announcing the creation of the Trump Election Fraud Legal Defense Fund. It’s purpose was to pay for lawyers and investigators challenging the election results in swing states that El Pendejo Presidente lost. I recall the fund received some $100 million in donations in the first week.

Just one small problem. It was all a steaming pile of bullsh*t. There was no Trump Legal Defense Fund. Instead Trump created a Leadership PAC for his own personal and political use, and simply had all of the donations go right to that. Which the J6 committee promptly uncovered, and exposed in a hearing, which is why you shouldn’t be surprised if you hear mail fraud, bank fraud, and wire fraud charges coming to a Jack Smith indictment announcement sometime near you.

Here’s where FrankenTrump shows himself to be the Zeus of imbeciles. A Leadership PAC was one of the first PAC’s created, and it has more legal holes in it than a colander. It can be used for travel, clothing, accommodations and meal expenses, and yes, even legal expenses. So as we speak, the Dumpy Despot is sitting on a ready to tap legal defense with an estimated $300 million in it.

And the Mangy Messiah can’t touch a penny of it, and hasn’t been able to since last November. Because when you become a declared candidate for office, you are forbidden by FEC law to maintain any control over, or interest in a PAC or Super PAC. Worse yet, whomever takes over control of the PAC is forbidden by FEC law from any association or coordination with either the candidate or his campaign. And either direct or indirect contributions between the PAC and the campaign are barred, so forget about laundering the moolah through the RNC.

There has to be a better word than Imbecile, but for the life of me I can’t find it. Maybe brain dead troll? As I previously stated, several months ago when his legal problems began to mushroom, the donation site disclosed that $0.10 of every dollar of donations would to to the Trump legal defense fund. It’s a real fund this time. The last disclosure was that that donation was up to $0.50 for every dollar. What happens when the J6 and Fulton County indictments drop, the split goes up to $0.75 on the dollar? What is Trump supposed to run on, good lucks and charm? *News Flash!* Freddie Krueger is better looking, and my grandmother’s dachsund had more charm. And that monster yapped constantly, farted 24/7 and sh*t on the carpet. Hmmm. Maybe its a tie.

I think I know where the next Trump nipple clamp is going. The RNC. Hell, he’s done it already, not just for himself, but for his idiot monkey spawn. And God knows that Rollover Ronna isn’t going to put up a whimper. Which creates yet another domino tipping over in the maze to GOP disaster.

The RNC is already strapped for cash. Idiot Boy is already dominating the small donor take, which is the lifeblood of a national political party. Believe me, I know. I get so many text begs from the DNC I’m thinking of setting up a guest bedroom for them. And the majority of RNC deep pocket donors are sitting on their wallets as long as Trump is on the ballot. They didn’t get to be mega donors by pissing it away. The Cheeto Prophet is going to demand his tithe, and the RNC had damn well better pony up. Which is why I’m becoming more and more confident in House swing districts and competitive Senate seats in 2024. The RNC isn’t going to be able to afford to fund them.

There you have it. Facts are facts. His Lowness is sitting on a $300 million Leadership PAC that could be used for his legal defense, but can’t touch a penny. And his November of 2022 presidential declaration gained him nothing, and instead robbed him of several months of being able to move PAC funds around for his own use. Stupid is as stupid does. 

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    • News like…
      “Facts are facts. His Lowness is sitting on a $300 million Leadership PAC that could be used for his legal defense, but can’t touch a penny. And his November of 2022 presidential declaration gained him nothing, and instead robbed him of several months of being able to move PAC funds around for his own use. Stupid is as stupid does.”

      Or maybe you’re right, it’s hardly news that Trump is stupid.

    • Send your comment to the folks at “OANN” and “Redstate” and “Fox News” and the rest of the right-wing noise machine and echo chamber that LOVE “the hate” while avoiding anything remotely close to showing they “report the news.”
      I’m sure those sites are already your top bookmarks.


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