We have some strange characters coming out of the woodwork today in the wake of last Friday’s Roe v. Wade cataclysm. That was to be expected. The political and religious extremists are all doing victory laps and, as you expected, announcing how this is only the beginning.

Vincent James proclaims the glad tidings of “Christian Nationalism” a descriptor which he also interchanges with “misogynistic extremist” which he thinks is an okay thing to be. He doesn’t think women should even wear pants.

I suppose we have one advantage here: nobody is even bothering to keep the quiet part quiet anymore, it’s all being said out loud, nay screamed out loud.

Isn’t he the charmer? And here’s where he touted his misogynistic extremist opinion by taking the side of somebody who kills women. Makes sense.

He’s a piece of work. Expect more of this. The knuckle dragging troglodytes love nothing more than attacking women first and foremost. The idea of gender equality is the ultimate freak out.

This is some sobering material. Cast your mind back to Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the work she did so that women could have credit in their own name. That was not all that long ago.

Misogyny is a terrible thing. So many good qualities in human beings are ascribed as “male” qualities. I remember talking in college with a friend of mine from high school. He and I had both been in student government. We graduated in 1971 to give you some time perspective. Long story short, the very same qualities that we both possessed were encouraged in him and discouraged in me. It was fine if he had opinions, leadership ability, a desire to make things better. It was more than fine, it was desirable in a male. But not in a female. And we openly talked about it. He admitted that he saw very clearly the difference between how I was treated and how he was treated. He was the all American boy, destined for great things, and I was some kind of pushy freak who didn’t know “her place.” I was told many times in my childhood, “You should have been a boy.”

Females are only supposed to have an existence which is relational to a male, or to a family unit, not exist as independent entities themselves. It is as simple as that. That’s the dogma in any event, the reality is that we do what we need to do to enjoy our lives, and build something of value for ourselves. Idiots like this guy can go screw themselves.

We have some dark days coming, but you knew that last Friday. This clown running off at the mouth is just a harbinger of some distasteful days ahead. Oh, well. Politics is most frequently a situation of one step forward, two steps back and that’s where we are today.

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  1. this vinnie bag-o-donuts dude needs to have an intervention. Newsflash dumb-a*s: women are not giving up birth control (more than 90% of women in the country use or have used it), women are going to continue to access full reproductive healthcare, people in loving relationships are not going to cease loving the people they love, and any attempt to forbid these things will result in a war against these yahoos. That’s right–a war. Not some dumb-a*s little insurrection that was doomed to fail but a f*cking war.

    I certainly hope the campaign managers of every democrat running for election/re-election this fall is taking notes for future ads against every and all ‘pube candidates. If they’re not, they are not in any way effective campaign managers. This sh*t is the gift that keeps on giving as stupidity so often is.

  2. I somehow doubt that they’ll be happy until they roll back the clock far enough to block the right to vote for women, make property rights solely male and probably go back to ‘witch trials’ branding for ‘adultery’ etc.

    Salem Mk II anyone


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