You read here yesterday that the reason that Melania Trump was nowhere to be found these days was because Donald had piqued her ire by posting an old picture of Barron with the caption, “In order to level the playing field, Barron Trump will debate Joe Biden.” That was in late July and that may indeed have raised Melania’s hackles.

But having one’s hackles raised and being terrified are two very different things. Melania had good cause to be terrified because The Guardian is reporting that a Chicago woman was arrested on Monday on charges of emailing threats to shoot both Barron and his father.

A formal complaint was filed against Tracy Marie Fiorenza, 41, earlier this month in the US district court for the southern district of Florida.

“I will state that I will shoot Donald Trump Sr AND Barron Trump straight in the face at any opportunity I get!” Fiorenza allegedly wrote in an email in May, according to the complaint.

The email was sent to the unidentified head of an educational institution in Palm Beach county, southern Florida, where Trump has his primary residence, the Mar-a-Lago resort, club and residence complex in Palm Beach.

In June, the woman allegedly sent another email threatening Trump, who is seeking re-election in 2024, and his son, the complaint said. Barron Trump is 17 and the son of Trump and his wife Melania. […]

Political violence and threats in a polarized US have risen in recent years. A Reuters report released earlier this month showed such violence was at its worst since the 1970s.

Yes, we have a tremendous amount of polarization in this country and political violence and threats of same have risen. Absolutely true. And who, oh who, might be responsible for this, in large measure? None other than Donald Trump.

I believe this incident, and the photo of Barron on Truth Social, and perhaps other incidents that we don’t know anything about, are the reason that Melania is MIA and likely to stay that way.

I don’t blame her. As tone deaf as she is, even she can put two and two together and reach the conclusion that but for the fact that Trump decided to play big shot and run for president, and made such a total hash of being president, nobody would be threatening to murder her son.

If this extremist woman starting sending emails in May and then Trump put Barron’s photo on Truth Social in July, then it makes complete sense Melania would be livid. And on these facts, Trump putting the debate meme with Barron on Truth Social becomes particularly egregious. It was tasteless enough to begin with, but coming after the fact of a death threat, it was self-centered and clueless to a level that is difficult to comprehend, let alone describe.

But then again, Trump doesn’t feel much of a connection with any of his kids, except for Ivanka and that connection is perhaps better left unexplored.

And there’s yet one more reason why Melania won’t be seen going around with Donald. She may fear for her own life. Think about it. U.S. presidents have to worry about assassination attempts all the time, unfortunately, but it’s rare that somebody threatens to kill one of the kids. Nobody has threatened to kill Melania — yet — but she may fear that. And I can’t say as how I blame her.

And when thing is certain, it’s always better to err on the side of caution. The more Melania is out of sight, and Barron is out of sight, the more they are out of mind. I feel safe in saying that Melania won’t be getting on a plane Thursday to accompany Trump to Georgia. And Barron damn sure won’t, not that it would be appropriate for him to do so in any event. But definitely not on these facts.

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  1. The kid is quiet which is a sign he has more intelligence than tweedle dum and dummer. He does not seem to display the trumpy traits most of donny’s kids do. Yeah, I’d think Melania would want to get her son the eff out of the mango moron’s sphere of influence and probably keep him out.

    • I’ve said it before and will say it again: If I was Barron I would go to school abroad. His father is hated there, too, but not like here. I think it would give him a shot at not having his name be an anchor. Or, he could change his name. In his position that’s a good idea.

  2. Anyone who makes these kind of threats has to be taken seriously. Maybe she has come to realize her husband will use ANYONE to move his agenda forward. I wonder if she lost any sleep when Nancy Pelosi’s elderly husband was attacked in his own home? Doubt it, but the chickens have come home to roost. Maybe that tasteless coat she wore about not caring what suffering her fascist has caused others will never be seen again. The German people were all about Hitler and cared less what happened to the Reich’s victims UNTIL it started costing THEM. Now it’s costing her some sleepless nights. I’ll save my sympathy for the innocent, which she is NOT. She can join Pontius Pilate in trying to wash the blood off her hands.

    • You make a good point. She married Trump, she’s gone along with all his b.s., now if it’s coming back to bite her in the butt, who is to blame but herself?

  3. First Ladies getting death threats is nothing new. Same for any kids. The Secret Service does a threat assessment and keep their protectees briefed on credible threats (if any) and advises on steps to mitigate threats. Still, “Melanie” had to have known about these particular threats and that her p.o.s. hubby had been briefed on them too and you’re right. It makes sense she’d go ballistic over that post Trump made. Also, keep in mind all the speculation over the years about her dumping Trump. Don’t think for a second credible threats haven’t come from MAGAa if she dumps their fake idol! You can be sure that some of it is quite vile regarding what they will do before finally killing her. She’s actually got more to fear from Trump’s base than from any raw, disturbed left wing wackjobs.


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